It's Not Okay
It’s okay.
It'll be okay.
Everything will be okay.
I wonder how many times you've heard those lines before. Probably too many, made you sick to your stomach a few times. Did it? Make you nauseous? Have you tried to put two fingers down your throat and force yourself to throw up and somehow maybe, after that, you’d feel better?
It didn’t. I don’t think it did. I felt like it didn’t.
Don’t worry. I am not here to tell you that. Not because it won’t be convincing, though at this point, it’s pretty obvious that it won’t be.
Because my words won’t be truthful, I have doubts, you see. Will it be alright?
I think I could only hope it will.
That’s the only thing I could say.
But that is not the reason,...
It'll be okay.
Everything will be okay.
I wonder how many times you've heard those lines before. Probably too many, made you sick to your stomach a few times. Did it? Make you nauseous? Have you tried to put two fingers down your throat and force yourself to throw up and somehow maybe, after that, you’d feel better?
It didn’t. I don’t think it did. I felt like it didn’t.
Don’t worry. I am not here to tell you that. Not because it won’t be convincing, though at this point, it’s pretty obvious that it won’t be.
Because my words won’t be truthful, I have doubts, you see. Will it be alright?
I think I could only hope it will.
That’s the only thing I could say.
But that is not the reason,...