

while Coming back from there flozen said "I don't want to be burden on you guys you can leave me some where here on road I will find the way to go get the work".. William suddenly replied "No never not at all you are not going any where alone ".. Jhon said yes floze you don't have to go anywhere until we are with you .. way to the hotel William was quite after reaching to the hotel where they were living William said you can sleep in my room I will sleep with Jhon in his room floze replied No not at all I am not gonna disturb you guys Jhon put his hand on her shoulder and said now you are our friend go have some sleep floze get to the room ... Jhon passed a naughty smile at William and said do you like her ...william having a shy look on his face says shut up let's sleep.... Next morning William went to his room to take his shirt.. He opens the door and at the same time floze was coming out side mistakenly they touched each other shoulders together Floze said I am extremely sorry .. William replies it's ok Floze with a cute smile he took his shirt and gave another shirt if his to floze and told her to change...At the breakfast table all the time William was looking at floze and Jhon had a naughty smile on his face....