

A Girl Named Pari
We met by coincidence, shared our Instagram IDs (as she was going to discuss her upcoming book and wanted me to be a member of her book), we talked for few more minutes on the book thing.
Now after knowing each other, I call her Choti and she calls me bhaiyya, our relation of brother and sister started from being unknown to partially known.
Soon with the passing time I came to know more about her, came to know that in her family patriarchal tendency is prevalent to a greater extent. The stand of a girl is suppressed and they are still following the tradition of male domination over the values of a girl.
Pari doesn't have the right to talk with the boys or be a friend with them. And if she raised her voice against her elder brother or any other male member of her family in any matter, she will be married by her family for disrespecting the male member( as an act of punishment).
Just thinking of this creates Goosebumps, Right?
Terrific thing.
Where are we leading our society towards?
Today if the family will dominate over the emotions of a girl, tomorrow her husband or any other male member of the society might be dominating over her.
We should know the consequences of what mistakes we are repeating. If the family itself supports the male in every aspect of (his) life, tomorrow that male will think he can do no wrong, and this thing will create the ground for violence against the women. Which are increasing nowadays.
The male-Female is a part of nature, has an equal right to exist and there is no sole authority for a male to dominate over a female.
Everyone has the Right to life and the Right to speech & expression, even we mentioned this in our Constitution under Article 21 and Article19.
And yes don't forget about Article 14 stating the Right to Equality.
Dear Girls,
We have these rights as 'Fundamental Rights' in our constitution so that we can raise our voice against such discriminating acts that are still prevailing in our society.
And yes, please Learn to Raise Your Voice.
Why be the puppet under anyone's direction?
Do not let anybody dominate over you. Never give strings of your life in anybody's hand
Choose your way of living by your self-will.
© Sandeep Bhagwat