

A year later she contacted me,We got pretty close and talked about things we love and memories we have made like the one at their home,So we started talking and laughing,
HER: Guess what you did in that dream of
ME: Bismillah,What? Are you serious?
HER: Yeah
ME:"Natim me"(Just tell me)
HER:I saw you in my dream, you were dressed so pretty walking down the aisle,this was the dream of mine so far
Me:"Blushed" 'shying' "Ado sila wan dibin owjuate amoo"(how I wish you could have dreamed with something better than that) instead of this.....
HER:"Atin amo taka Nan owjuate"(And have you ever dreamt with me)
ME:Mine is something that I cannot tell here but i will tell through chats because I am very shy to say that now....
HER:"Yom natimt dub"(When will you tell me)
ME: Anytime from today
HER:Okay my all time crushie
So after all this,I still didn't realize that I went madly in love with her again when I heard her voice,Since I was in our house with my elder brother Abdimalik,He noticed that I was acting kinda weird,We started chatting and she asked me "Diyeni kan yalto qabda dagaye"( Nowadays I heard that you had a girlfriend) and I responded since you left me" Hata nimesahau girlfriend ni nini? she was very curious to know my know new crushie but I told her I used to have to a good female friend and we are quite close to each other but we are never close to each other for a purpose of dating each other,we are just friends and Freinds at school but we rarely intermingle at school,we interacted more via WhatsApp and many think we're dating Even though we are just an ordinary friends to the point that I am matched by a classmate because of our closeness like that,Even though Khalidow,Qafe,Ziduman and Kimkala,those Freinds of mine already has a girlfriend and that's why they always confides in me about their girlfriends,I don't know how to respond to dating problem but as best I can advise on problem that my Freinds are experiencing, sometimes they tell me they're in bad mood or are not happy but since I don't know about this I asks them"Ijol mant isanti buy"(Guys what happens to you) and they answered me in a way that I will not going to be inquisitive again,Guy by the name Kimkala stood up and said"Isi gurba Abdimuheyma edan atin wan yalalti inbeydu maanif akan tat"( The so called Abdimuheyma you know nothing about love why are so inquisitive about this matter) and I said to him Walai Earth is hard...they are in bad mood or angry with girlfriends because of what there girlfriend did to them, especially when they broke up because they and their girlfriends has a problem and ended up breaking up and I asked them"Kwani nyinyi wote mmeachwa mara moja"and I said to myself "Mungu unifunze kunyamaza" and Ziduman responded,' Earth is hard',"Abdimuheyma Usiwahi jaribu kitu inaitwa mapenzi "and then he left us,but due to inquisitiveness I asked them again"Wara qar isani chufti intal tok walin dubifatani"( Have you all guys seduced one girl) because am seeing all of you are dumped at once,After all those argument with friends Kimkala lefts us and I was left behind by Khalidow and he started telling the stories about his break up with his girlfriend and the problem was gasping for breath, even though I didn't know what he was talking about but at least I heard him telling me the story until It ended, until that move him and relieved and finally stopped a moment because I heard him tell the story and he started weeping and cursing the ancestors the left him with this proby of break up and finally I asked him"Gurba maant arka siqab,atin qar armatan masomof duft mo yalaltif duft"( Boy what is wrong with you, Have you came here to learn or you came here to do relationship ) and he took a stick under a chair he was sitting on and started hitting me on the head since that" Nilijua kuw mapenzi haitaki hesira"
I know some of are wondering why my all time crushie is not in this episode but don't worry,"Hii story ni yangu ama ni yako".... anyway you will know more about my all time crushie in the next episode like where she reside and number of kids she gave birth to now as I write this......na msinione mtu hivi hvi....,...To be continued
© Muheyman