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Lisa - villain
lily - female lead
Chris - male lead

meet Lisa a 20 years old spoilt arrogant brat and a great bully who gets every thing she wants because her parents are rich.

meet lily a 20 years who comes from a poor family
she is kind hearted she has this cute baby face and a curve that men could die for.

meet Chris a 23 years old trilloniare who
owns one of the biggest company in korea he is cold arrogant and hates the
opposite gender but all that change when he met her.

who is she ?
what happens when the truth about lily and Lisa birth comes to light ?

grab ur popcorn and enjoy this heart warming story.

do not copy or u will face my wrath, like,
share, and comment.

CHAPTER 1: The encounter


Lisa came out of the bathroom cladded in her white towel her skin shinning and flawless she has this long slender legs and charming eyes and curves with her slim waist she has the body of a model which made her so proud and full of herself.

As she steps out of the bathroom she went to where she keep her skin lotions and cream she applied lotion to her skin slowly even as she is late for lectures but she don't care because she is betrothed to the school owner.

when she was done applying the skin lotion she went to her wardrobe and pick up a crop top and mini skirt put it on before parking her hair in a messy ponytail applied plenty make up on her face before putting on her backpack and went downstairs.

The dining was set before she got down so she just sat down ate her food and went to school she had to drive to school because her parents traveled on a business trip.


Lily is going to her new school today she is so excited she keeps on singing as she took her bath dress up and went downstairs for dinner.

she jumped down the stairs happily then went to the dining to see her Mom and sister already seated for breakfast.

"Good morning mom" she greeted

"Morning my dear how was your night" her mom asked,

"fine" she replied,

Actually she lives with her mom who owns a restaurant and sister hazel
who she seniors with three years her dad died when she was 3 making her mom a pregnant widow so her mom raised her and her sister single handedly.

"Good morning sis" hazel her younger sister greeted.

"Morning little sis" she replied while ruffling her hair.

she took a slice of bread and omelette
before rushing off to school because she was late for lecture.


Three cars drove inside the school and three girls came out looking so hot as their face came into view student's started screaming .

As the lisa and her friends step down students started praising them but they where careful not to enter lisa's trouble.

As the commotion was going on chris car drove into the school compound earning attention from female student's some were redoing their make-up just to gain chris attention but he didn't spare them a glance he just walked in.

lisa was expecting him to hug her
but he walk pass her like she did not exist actually lisa and chris are betrothed from childhood because lily once save his life but chris is not in agreement with it. but lisa have already spread the news to the hole school.

chris snub her and walked inside the school compound earning laughter from students but a glare from her made them keep quiet but some students were still mumurring.

Not able to take the embarrassment lisa ran out of the crowd.

Meanwhile lily was wandering around looking for the principal office because it is her first day in winter college.

lily made to ask around making her to
collide with lisa who was fuming with

"Are you insane" lisa shouted which attracted some students.

By now students have filled the hall some are making videos some are very sorry for lily because they know the kind of punishment you will get if you enter lisa's trouble.

"Now go down on your knees and lick
my feet or you will face my wrath" lisa said with a sly grin on her face.

"I can see you are one of those spoilt brat but I am not your puppet get it" lily said.

"How dare you" lisa said raising her hand to slap lily.

But lily caught her hands Midway and slap her twice.

students gasp.

CHAPTER 2: (The mistake)

Everyone was shocked especially lisa
she could not believe that someone just
slapped her she just stood there speechless.

"Next time you don't mess with me" lily said and walked away as soon as lily
left everyone started living to attend class.

After wandering about for sometime lily
finally found the principal office she signed her form and went out with a
teacher who showed her the lecture room.

As she went in students started murmuring.

👥she is the girl that slapped our lisa.

👥I wish I could strangle her.

👥 she's tough though

"Will you all keep quiet" the teacher said.

"please go and seat close to the girl at
the third roll" the teacher said,

"ok ma" lily replied and went to sit down

"Hi i am clair I love the way you stand
against lisa that suits her"the girl said

"what's your name" she asked

"You can call me lily"

"can we be friends? Clair said.


After such a hectic day school finally ended, lily is packing her books in her bag she packed it finish and was about leaving the class when lisa and her friends blocked her path.

"Hey bitch it seems you are new in this school let me give you a good warning next time you talk to lisa like that I will teach you a lesson" isabella (lisa friend) said.

Instead of the them lily pushed them and walked away as she reached the door she turn back and said.

"let me also warn you next time you block my path you will carry a broken nose home" she said with a dangerous tone before walking out.

"I will teach her a lesson she will never forget" lisa said with gritted teeth.

lily can be seen walking home since she used her transport money for lunch in the afternoon cause she was hungry she was about to cross the road when a car made to hit her she jumped out but the tire hit her leg the owner of the car wanted to drive away without an apology which
made lily angry and she pick up a stone and hit the glass of the car.

lily picked a stone and hit the car screen
which broke into pieces.

The driver was shocked especially chris
because the car belongs to him and he
loved that car so much.

chris got down from the car frowning by
now lily anger have subsided and she got to realize where her anger have lead

she is darn scared now but she did not
show it.

"How dare you do you know how much
this car cost" chris yelled and lily flinched
but she still keep a bold face.

"I wish the amount can buy you sense can't u see you almost landed me in the
hospital bed" lily shuttered

"I can see u are very brave but the police will set u straight"chris said

immediately heard the corps beads of sweat gather in her forehead.

"please sir don't call the corps I will
pay how much is it"lily said

"500 thousand dollars and I need it now" chris said smirking.

"sir I don't have that type of money i
have an idea what if i work for you as a maid for three months without payment"
lily said.

" ok start tomorrow and you will live with
me for that three months is that a deal"chris asked

"ok sir but can I still be schooling" lily

of course.

CHAPTER 3:(New job)

After everything lily continued her journey home thinking about her conversation with chris asking herself
question after what seems like eternity
she finally reached her house.

Meanwhile chris could not stop thinking about lily her smile,cute baby face, and her curves actually he was affected by
her beauty when he first saw her but as
a proud guy that he is he did not show it
that's why he agreed for her to work as
his made so he get to see her everyday


lily can be seen eating dinner with her mom and sister, she is wondering how
she will break the news to her mom,
when her Mom noticed she is not eating

"lily what's the problem don't you like the food"miss grey asked.

"No the food is nice mom I want to tell u
that I've found a job"lily said

"what sort of job"mrs grey asked

"A company job but I will have to live at a
apartment closed to the company"lily said.

"oh that's nice but when are you starting
this job" mrs grey asked feeling concerned.

"Tomorrow",lily said.

"sis am going to miss you can I visit sometimes" hazel asked.

"No don't bother I will be the one to visit"lily said because she don't want her family to know her real work.

After dinner they retired to bed, but lily is not able to sleep she could not stop thinking about chris, his face, his smirking after what seems like eternity
she finally feel asleep.


lily can be seen sleeping in her room
when her sister came to wake her up from sleep.

"Lily wake up you are late for work"
hazel said

"leave me alone I want to sleep lily said.

"Now is 7:35 and you are going by 8:00" hazel said.

"what why didn't you wake me" Lily shouted and rush inside the bathroom.

"but I did" hazel replied.

Lily came out of the of her room all dressed up and ready to go, she decended the stairs with a sad face.

"Good morning mom" lily said.

"morning how was your night" her mom replied.

"good" lily said smiling.

"Okay I will get going now" lily said in a sad tone.

"Ok but make sure you eat well and call
me everyday and if you encounter any
problem let me know also pay us a visit
frequently" her mom said.

"Ok mom I will do that you don't have to worry about me and take care of yourself and always take your drugs hazel make sure you take care of mom" lily said.

"ok sis i will miss you" hazel said,and they did a group hug before bidding lily goodbye in a sober mood.


Chris keeps checking his watch he could not wait to see her because he misses her,after that day he have not been his
self he just keeps thinking about her,
why he told her to work for him so he will get to see her everyday.

After what seems like eternity lily finally
reached chris mansion,as she got down from the cab she could not believe the
sight before her,she felt like a princess in
a palace.

Lily was so lost staring at the building that she forgot to pay the cab driver she
was starting when the driver jolted her
from her thought.

"ma'am you have not paid me" the driver said.

"oh i am sorry" she said and paid the
driver before going in.

when lily got to the the gate she knocked
and a maid came and took her inside the

"wow!!!!!" lily could not help but exclaimed at the large building,her house and her neighbor's house put together does not reach the parlour she
was still in her thought when someone spoke up.

"You are five minutes late" chris said in a
harsh tone making her to roll her eyes
secretly, but he caught her.

"I was held up because of the traffic and
is not a big deal if i am five minutes late
so stop being bossy" lily said.

Chris was shock he could not believe that after everything she is still arrogant
he stood up and started walking towards
her while she keeps going back until her
back met with the wall and he was so close to her making her heart to skip a bit, what are u doing lily shuttered,he did not answer her but brought his face closer she close her eyes expecting a kiss when she heard a voice in her ear

"The next time you talk back at me I will
punish you" chris said smirking before
going in.

"jerk" lily said.

later lily was showed to her room which
is also beautiful, she took her bath before going to bed that afternoon.

CLOUT COLLEGE (lily sister's school)

Students can be seen coming inside the
school gate discussing when hazel came out with her two friends discussing,

"Hazel did you see that hottie that came
new in our class" flora said.

"he is not even as handsome as larry our school hottest boy" chelsea said.

" As for me i am just preparing for our upcoming examination" hazel said they were still discussing when they heard noise fromthe students, knowing who it was hazel made to go inside when flora dragged her to where the students where gathering, who wouldn't want to go see
larry brown's the brother of the richest guy in the country chris brown the school hottest boy.

As he came down from the class students started drooling over him some chanting his name.

👥larry please marry me

👥I love your hairstyle

👥 a night please

👥 larry you make me wet

👥 I love ur lips

Different comment keeps coming in but he just looked at hazel and wink at her
making students to gasps.

"let's go to your room to check"chris said
following her to the room.Hazel could not believe what she just
happened her long time crush winked at
actually she's been crushing on larry since the day he came into the school
but he have never noticed her but today
he winked at her in front of everyone which made her happy she just feel like
jumping but she composed herself

🗣️ The bitch must be happy that our larry notice

🗣️ I hate her she too full of herself

🗣️ my crush winked at the bitch

🗣️ just say u are jealous because he did not notice you.

hateful comment from some jealous students filled everywhere,not able to take the hateful comments she went inside on her way she meet lia the school bully.

Hey bitch you must be happy let me warn you stay away from Larry he is mine he will never belong to you lia said.

Firstly you are the bitch not me and secondly you are forcing your self on someone that don't want you, and beware next time you meet me just to
insult me i will beat you to a pulp isabella said before walking out.

That bitch I will kill her lia said before walking out.

CHAPTER 4:(hubby)


lily is cleaning the house when she heard
the door bell, she rushed to go and open it thinking it is chris that is knocking surprisingly she opened the door to see
lisa standing outside wearing a heavy
makeup and revealing cloth.

You bitch what are you doing in my man's house lisa said in anger.

Is it bad if I come to my hubby house lily
said just to infuriate lisa.

hearing the noise chris came downstairs
just to see lisa standing outside wearing
an angry face.

what's going on here chris asked

lisa made to talk but lily interrupted her
by hugging chris

hubby she called me a bitch just because I told her that me are you is dating did I do wrong lily said pouting her lips making chris to lose control he did not know when he kissed her biting
her lower lips,she was shocked for some
seconds before responding after sometime.

Not able to take it anymore lisa run out in tears, meanwhile lily and chris was so
engrossed in the kiss that they did not
notice that lisa was gone after what seems like eternity they finally broke the
kiss with their lips swollen.

Why did you kiss me lily shouted, her cheeks red of embarrassment she could not believe she just kiss her boss.

Why won't i kiss you when you seduce me chris said.

I did not seduce you lily said

why did you call me hubby you even hug is that not seducing chris said before walking out.

Did I act too much his lips taste like mint
ahhh lily put yourself together don't get
distracted lily said to herself.


lisa packed her car and got down in anger before going inside when she saw
mrs Jenkins (chris mother) she started
faking tears.

why are you crying my dear Mrs Jenkins

mother in law can you believe that Chris
is staying with a white in his house he even kissed her in my front lisa.

what is he insane don't worry tomorrow
i am going to his house to chase that
woman to wherever she came from mrs
Jenkins said before hugging lisa.

Lily just wait and see your doom is near
lisa thought while rejoicing in her mind.

The Next Morning

lily woke up to meet a stranger wearing a mask holding a knife and making advances towards her.

ahhh who are you lily shouted, as the
masked stranger made to come close
to her she picked up a vase close to her
and smashed it on his head before running out of the room.

shit the masked guy cursed before jumping out through the window.

Out of fear lily rushed out running like
someone that have seen a ghost which
made her to bump into chris.

what's wrong i heard you shouting chris
said with concern in his eyes.

instead answering him she just clinged
to him shivering.

Seems like our brave queen is scared and shivering like a child that just watched a horror movie chris said teasingly.

Stop it chris actually i saw someone who tried to kill me he was wearing a mask lily said with fears in her eyes.

let's go to your room to check chris said
following her to the room

"let's go to your room to check"chris said
following her to the room.

CHAPTER 5(attempted murder)


A woman can be seen sitting in a chair
her hair tattered and unkept when a man
with a hoodie walked into the room.

"how was the mission"the woman asked

"not successful ma she manage to get away" the man said shivering.

"ahh!!!! I don't know the bunch of idiots i
employed you can't even handle a girl
let me warn you the next time you appear before me with bad news I will kill you now get out" the woman said with gritted teeth.

"ok ma i will try harder" the man said before going out.

"I can let what happened that day to come to light or i will lose everything lily
must die if I need my plan to succeed" the woman said to herself.


lily and chris got to the room but did not
see anyone apart from bloodstain on
the floor and broken flower vase.

"shit!!! he got away, chris am scared he may come for me again" lily said with tears in her eyes.

"shhh don't cry nothing will happen to you ok am here i won't let anything to happen to you" chris said before cleaning her tears and patting her hair when she stopped crying when he looked down and saw that she have fallen asleep on his shoulder before picking her up and putting lying her on the bed.

who could possibly be after lily's life i don't have any enemies then who could
it be chris said to himself before pecking
her forehead.

CHAPTER 6:(jealousy)


"Anna you need to see this" alice said showing her voice where larry winked at

"How dear that bitch try to take larry from me i will teach her a lesson" anna
said through gritted teeth before going to look for isabella

Actually anna is the school bully she always make life difficult for the poor

isabella was reading her novel titled "A one nightstand with a Billionaire when anna came and drag the book from her
hand and throw it away.

what was the meaning of that madness
isabella said in an angry tone.

that was for stealing my man anna shouted which attracted many students.

🗣️oh my gosh i knew isabella is a bitch

🗣️ how can she steal someone boyfriend.

🗣️ she has an innocent face but an evil

"Will you all shut up, and you anna who
made larry your man i don't remember
you two dating and even if he want to date someone is it you that your pu**y
is as wide as a bucket" isabella said earning laughter from other students.

"how dare you"anna said before slapping

flora and Chelsea (isabella friends) wanted to fight her when isabella stopped them before dragging anna hair
and slapping her twice.

🗣️ omg did just slap anna

🗣️ that servers her right next time she
don't mess with anyone she sees.

"I will get back at you isabella" anna said
before storming out.


Lily woke up to meet with a pair of eyes
staring at her.

"how was your night" chris asked which
surprised her because the chris she knows can not ask her that question.

"nice" lily said while picking her nails.

good, now go freshen up and come downstairs we are going to school today
it has been long we went to school chris said before standing up and walking out of the room.

"jerk" lily said before going to get ready for school.


chris car drove into the building and he came down with lily which surprised the

🗣️ is that not lily why will she come to school with chris in the same car.

🗣️ are they dating.

🗣️ how I wish he will notice me.

Not able to take the comments lily ran into the school building when her friend
grace dragged her to a corner.

"lily you did not tell me that you and chris are dating" grace said

we are not dating he is my boss lily said.

"ohh am sorry i misunderstood" grace said, they were still in the middle of their
discussion when henry their class boy came out of nowhere and hugged lily.

"lily i missed you where have you been"
he said still hugging her lily just stood there like a log of wood when Chris came and meet them in that position making him angry he did not know when he started marching towards them

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A woman can be seen sitting in a chair
her hair tattered and unkept when a man
with a hoodie walked into the room.

"how was the mission"the woman asked

"not successful ma she manage to get away" the man said shivering.

"ahh!!!! I don't know the bunch of idiots i
employed you can't even handle a girl
let me warn you the next time you appear before me with bad news I will kill you now get out" the woman said with gritted teeth.

"ok ma i will try harder" the man said before going out.

"I can let what happened that day to come to light or i will lose everything lily
must die if I need my plan to succeed" the woman said to herself.


lily and chris got to the room but did not
see anyone apart from bloodstain on
the floor and broken flower vase.

"shit!!! he got away, chris am scared he may come for me again" lily said with tears in her eyes.

shhh don't cry nothing will happen to you
ok am here i won't let anything to happen
to you chris said before cleaning her tears and patting her hair when she stopped crying when he looked down and saw that she have fallen asleep on
his shoulder before picking her up and putting lying her on the bed.

who could possibly be after lily's life i don't have any enemies then who could
it be chris said to himself before pecking
her forehead.


"Anna you need to see this" alice said showing her voice where larry winked at

"How dear that bitch try to take larry from me i will teach her a lesson" anna
said through gritted teeth before going to look for isabella

Actually anna is the school bully she always make life difficult for the poor

isabella was reading her novel titled "A one nightstand with a Billionaire when anna came and drag the book from her
hand and throw it away.

what was the meaning of that madness
isabella said in an angry tone.

that was for stealing my man anna shouted which attracted many students.

🗣️oh my gosh i knew isabella is a bitch

🗣️ how can she steal someone boyfriend.

🗣️ she has an innocent face but an evil

"Will you all shut up, and you anna who
made larry your man i don't remember
you two dating and even if he want to date someone is it you that your pu**y
is as wide as a bucket" isabella said earning laughter from other students.

"how dare you"anna said before slapping

flora and Chelsea (isabella friends) wanted to fight her when isabella stopped them before dragging anna hair
and slapping her twice.

🗣️ omg did isabella just slap anna

🗣️ that servers her right next time she
don't mess with anyone she sees.

"I will get back at you isabella" anna said
before storming out.


Lily woke up to meet with a pair of eyes
staring at her.

"how was your night" chris asked which
surprised her because the chris she knows can not ask her that question.

"nice" lily said while picking her nails.

good, now go freshen up and come downstairs we are going to school today
it has been long we went to school chris said before standing up and walking out of the room.

"jerk" lily said before going to get ready for school.


chris car drove into the building and he came down with lily which surprised the

🗣️ is that not lily why will she come to school with chris in the same car.

🗣️ are they dating.

🗣️ how I wish he will notice me.

Not able to take the comments lily ran into the school building when her friend
grace dragged her to a corner.

"lily you did not tell me that you and chris are dating" grace said

we are not dating he is my boss lily said.

"ohh am sorry i misunderstood" grace said, they were still in the middle of their
discussion when henry their class boy came out of nowhere and hugged lily.

"lily i missed you where have you been"
he said still hugging her lily just stood there like a log of wood when Chris came and meet them in that position making him angry he did not know when he started marching towards them.

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