

A philosophy professor walked in his class one day, and asked his students how many of you are happy in this very moment?? raise your hands!!
in a class of 72-75 people about 15 students raise their hand. The professor picked out one person from the crowd and asked what are you so happy about??
"my mom made pancakes for breakfast, and I really like pancakes. So I am just happy today morning, I guess," came the reply.

the professor asked another student who had her hand raised about what made her happy. "I just bought a new car a couple of days ago now I don't have to take the bus anymore".
now the professor asked the students who had not raise their hands, what would make you happy??
one of them said, "I had love to graduate this year and get a job with my dream company". Another girl who had not raised her hand replied, "my parents don't approve of my boyfriend. I hope that one day I can get married to him eventually and that would made me happy".

the professor thought for a while and addressed the students who had just revealed what would make them happy . "What if you started working for your dream company and realise that a job sucks how would that made you feel?"
He then turned to the girl, "let's say, you get married to the boyfriend with your parent' s approval and unfortunately one day, you find out that he cheated on you. Would you still be happy?"

the students were perplexed and had no answer for the professor. This was out of this syllabus.
So there are two very important things you need to understand about happiness.
FIRST:- human beings get 'used to their happiness' to such a point that it exist no more. The result is that no amount of happiness can last us forever.
SECOND:- The second thing we need to understand is that a lot of our ideas of happiness come from achieving something in the future.
We are taught to buy into the narrative that there is more to life then this. The day you start accepting that all you have is now and that 'more to life' you seek might just never arrive, is the day you will learn the true meaning of 'happiness.'
"Happiness happens when you are not looking for it and when you are not thinking about it. It happens, and then, it's gone!!!"

At last I would like to conclude myself, Don't think of happiness as the cure. Happiness is just a side effect. Nothing in life is permanent. It is just a collection of moments - moments of love, moments of hate, moments of anger and more. Most of these moments are ordinary ones. But sometimes there are extraordinary moments when nothing else matters; a moment in which you can be happy beyond anything else. Enjoy these extraordinary moments, for come tomorrow, the emotion might not exist, but that moment will.
Some days you will feel good and on some days, you will feel terrible. That will be the case even if you own a Mansion and a Ferrari.