

The Monster Within
I was on my way to Jessie’s house when I see a man in the bushes. I walk faster but he follows,I run into the woods because it was a open field it was the only place to hide, I then hear “Stop running darling” in a deep snake like voice.I feel a sharp pain as if something nonhuman has impaled my chest with a powerful blade.I run faster, feeling the pain in my chest grow deeper.I trip over a log which had a sharp stone near it that tore a chunk from my arm.letting out a ear bleeding scream, I began to get up and run faster.cold sweat and hot tears stream down my cheeks.blurry vision and darkness of the forest make it hard to see.I decide to not run anymore but to hide.I squat behind a bush wanting nothing more than for me to wake up from this nightmare. but it was no bad dream.I could feel the warm red liquid drip from my arm with a sharp pain throbbing in my new wound I whimper from the pain and blink away the tears as I look through the leafs and thorns I don’t see,but feel his presence.”nice seeing you here” a raspy voice says and that’s all I hear before I am knocked out.I then open my eyes,a horrible pain threatens at the back of my head making me blink more and more, I realize i’m in a trunk of a car. My arms are tied but my legs are free.I kick the part where the taillights should be, over and over.I then feel the car stop.I hear footsteps and a man humming a song I don’t recognize. I hear a noise of a key in a lock I frantically scream and kick but he opens the trunk and hits my jaw .I spit out blood and wince in pain looking at him but all I see is a man in a hoodie and a face mask he looks at me and giggles and it came to me. his icy blue eyes.The eyes I once loved to look into.The eyes I wiped tears from.the eyes I believed.... I try to kick him but he picks me up and moves me to the back seat ‘‘h-how could you?’’ I croak.he smirks and takes a drag of his cigarette and blows it in my face.my eyes burn and water, I cough and the smoke hurts my lungs’’because I can ’’ he giggles .he then looked at a man in the front seat and began to drive.”luke, tell me how you and her met ’’masked man says as he turns around smiling. ” I stare at luke "what the fuck are you doing here lucus? you said you'd be waiting for me at home!" I scream at my boyfriend "b-baby I was at a friend's and this guy just..." he stutters as he looks at the floor in anger. I look at my wound but i’m too weak to heal it,I feel pain for once, it’s horrible.I think of the song masked man is humming over and over again and I remember, it’s a song him and I made when we were little I start to cry I then look at him in anger and shake my head and start to yell “shadow why do you want to do this!” he giggles and then says”we made a promise baby don't you remember?" he smirks“we were seven”I whisper, he then throws his cigarette out the window and calmly says” our parents are different than others WE are different than others, you promised to be my soulmate I promised the same but then you moved and dated HIM, is this really what you like huh!? You like normal disgusting people, YOU ARE A LIGHT MAKER THAT’S NOT NORMAL WE ARE MEANT TO BE!!TWO NEGATIVES MAKE A POSITIVE BUT YOU MESSED UP YOU PICKED HIM OVER ME,MAGUS I LOVED YOU!”Shadow growls.“HOLD UP MAGUS??!!!” luke screams over shadows voice in confusion.”yes magus means magic” I mumbled “b...but you said your name was cassy”luke stutters.”welp now you know my name is magus,I always disliked that name...kids at school would call me “maggot” cuz it sorta sounds like that but I would just laugh with them”.shadow then turns around and whispered “then after school you would come crying to me about how much you hated them,but I would tell you that you are beautiful and so is your name,then when you went home ....I would go and make voodoo dolls of them”he giggles “you promised me you wouldn’t touch them,so you lied to me also so why am I to be punished?” I mumble “BECAUSE YOU BROKE MY HEART,I ONLY PROTECTED YOU!”.I cry harder and stare down but luke breaks the silence”I don’t date liars” luke whispers he looks mad as a tear slides down his cheek and his nostrils flare in anger.”i’m so sorry...I lied to keep you from my horrible past…don’t leave me…"I cry. "I never was with you from the start...I loved a girl named cassy.A girl who’s not real."I then look at shadow and he says "oh you don't date liars? then you should tell her what I walked in on..you know when I swung open the door thinking I'd see my baby when really it was you! haha a loser sticking IT in some pink and orange streaked haired whore!" my eyes widen "YOU FUCKED ALISSA FROM THE FUCKING PIZZA PLACE WE EAT AT EVERY FRIDAY YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING BASTARD HER PUSSY PROBABLY HAD THE GODDAMN AROMA OF A ANCHOVY PIZZA "shadow laughed and then said "welp bye bye then”and stares at him and before you know it luke is flying out the car door.we drive faster and he turns the radio up...I look at him confused but then he stops the car and leans toward me smirking.I sit there with a straight face then he leans forward even more.Iwould slap him but my hands are tied.He kisses my lips and I push away.Then he kissed lightly from the edge of my mouth all the way to my shoulder.He opens his mouth as wide as possible and sucks on my neck.I can’t help but to blush from the feeling of his kisses I think back to when I turned 16 and he took my first kiss.Then he bites me and I feel the poison enter my bloodstream. Im his now .I have his scent.I feel gross.I don’t love him.I love luke.I think….I feel weak and ready to pass out.I would never wanna sleep near him but I was tired.I will never bite him back that would make our relationship final.I fall asleep in the back of his car and I woke up from going over a bump in the road.I looked out the dusty tinted windows and saw my old house”why are we here?” I asked afraid he just laughed and touched my face ‘’home always made you feel better sweet cheeks” I looked at him with tears in my eyes..I so badly wanted to punch him in the jaw and scream for help but I felt oddly calm in a way….He was my best friend for many years and my first love and I can’t help but to feel fuzzy because of the memories.He smirks and says “since you’re mine now I hope you know I can connect to your mind and see what you’re thinking darling…”he started remote viewing pictures of how he cried because he felt alone and how he sat in his dark room screaming because of heartache and pictures of how happy he was with me and how mad but in love he is with me now.He pulls off the mask and looks at me and smiles he has nice plump lips and slightly tan skin,and gorgeous blue eyes and curly brown hair ..He was born with white hair but always dyes it brown he has long eyelashes and he changed since i’ve seen him..he is taller and looks stronger.He has a perfect jawline and he has a slit on his eyebrow from all the fights he's been in..He looks good I hate to say it but he really does other than his messy hair and bags under his eyes.He held my hand then locks eyes with me and kisses my rings and with every kiss my rings made of metal turned gold and diamond he smiles and his dimples show he then walks me into the house..Everything has changed its all new and pretty and...perfect he said he left my room the same because he didn’t know if he should change it I go to my room and look at the bite on my neck it says S. H. its for shadow hendrill im mangus wand so if I decide to mark him as mine it will say M. W. where I bite but I I have no interest in doing so.. I have to find a way to get away from him but he now can tell what I'm thinking so how will I make a plan . he walked up behind me put his hands on my shoulders he then whispered in my ear"I have something to show you"and walked me to the master bedroom he had a huge aquarium and it had the most beautiful exotic fish I've ever seen he then showed me that he bought new bed sheets in my favorite color burgundy the sheets were fluffy and warm and the pillow cases where silk and they all matched..and the floor had the softest white carpet and the frame of the bed was up against the giant mirror and he had a cute vanity set up for me with a bunch of skin care stuff and he even had a giant TV. Over the bed where these amazing paintings and I asked him who did them for him he said that he painted it all for me the whole ceiling was black and he placed very tiny lights so that it looks like many stars we're all over the ceiling and he painted a beautiful goddess Persephone and she was standing and she had a bunch of flowers growing in front of her they're my favorite flowers they were sunflowers And he had the lights perfectly lined up to where the sunflower lights would glow yellow and all the other ones glow White I told him it looked amazing and he scratched the back of his head and smiled I looked more around the room and in the closet he had robes the one in my favorite color and one in silver they had our initials on it and a pair of fluffy slippers for me and next to that closet was the bathroom and I was curious to see what it look like in there so I open the door and the bathroom was very very big he had a giant shower head with a smaller shower head and the bathtub was huge it could fit probably 4 people in it..The sink was marbled the mirrors were so clean and the shower curtain had sun flowers all over it
he then said he made this room for me and that he would sleep on the couch and that I should get some rest because it's late my arm still burned and I think he noticed me struggling so he healed my wound for me and as I was looking at the painting on the ceiling he started a warm bubble bath for me the aroma of cherry blossom bubble bath and green apple candles came from the bathroom he then left my room so I began to take a shower the water was so warm and I can't help it the mini shower head could unhook from the big shower head and come down they had a pretty powerful jet and I really wanted to relax so I ran the jet up and down my back and all down my body and on my head it felt like a full body massage I begin to close my eyes and lean back in the bath just trying to relax but then I hear footsteps he walks in and hangs up my robe for me and he said it was warm because he had it in the dryer so that I wasn't cold when I got out of the shower he leaned up against the sink and looked at me but he wasn't looking at my body he was looking into my eyes and I don't know if it was because he already marked me with his name or because I had such a long day but when he made eye contact with me I couldn't help but have the urge to wipe off some of the bubbles to expose my body so I started off by wiping off the bubbles on my breasts and going slowly down my stomach while making eye contact with him..He swallowed hard and let his eyes follow my hands I asked him if he could give me a foot massage because my feet hurt from running and I put my feet outside the tub he nodded and got on his knees to rub my feet I tilted my head back and closed my eyes again I let the words"mmmm it feels so good" escape from my lips and he started kissing my feet and then kissing up my leg I wasn't going to tell him to stop since it felt so right.he took off his shirt and his boxers and got into the tub with me my eyes are still closed and I was focusing on his kisses he went up my thighs and then suddenly I felt a tongue slip inside of me he began to slowly trace his tongue around my clit.my back started arching as I made little noises he kissed further up my body my eyes were still closed but I could feel him grabbing the smaller shower head as he put it on jet and teasingly let the water beat up against my clit I began to moan louder but then he got to my breasts with his lips at first he started gentle then I felt him bite down softly on my nipple sending a ripple of pleasure through my body I couldn't help but gaspe as he slid a finger into me he then started kissing up my neck and then onto my lips I felt his cock getting hard on my thigh so I wrapped my hand around it and slowly started to stroke it up and down he started breathing heavily down my neck I begin to go faster making him sit up in the bath and his head tilted back at this angle I could see his whole body it was beautiful I soon sat up with him and wrap my lips around his tip he started moaning and held my hair back for me he was so aggressive before but now he won't even push my head I slowly Bob my head up and down causing him to pulsate in my mouth I started to kiss up his body and wrap my legs around him I can feel my clit up against his tip I begin to bounce a little bit causing the water to splash around then we both gasp and start moaning from our sensitive body parts rubbing up against each other but then I bounce up to high and his tip slips in I let out a loud moan and make eye contact with him he then leans back so that I'm fully on top and holds my waist pushing me forward and back in a grinding motion my legs can't help but shake and I begin to feel myself throb on him as he twitches inside of me he moans even louder before his head tilts back and he asks me "I'm close can I cum in you fuuuck.. please you feel amazing baby girl" I start to bounce more my neediness was out of control " shadow cum in me I'm cumminggg" he slips his finger between my thighs and rubs my clit as I cum so my orgasm is more powerful.i shake and throb and kiss him as he lets out his warm cum into me(I will write more if ppl actually like this stuff hehe
© eye scream and lady fingers