

High school crush(Part1 out of 3)
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Anabelle was just an innocent and nerdy girl studying at Myville High school.
She was always the one bullied she would always go home with a wound.
Her mother would ask her what happened but she would just say "I fell?"
Her mother would never ask an other questions.
But one day everything changed for Anabelle.
It was Tuesday and as usual she was being bullied by the high school belle Cara.
Anabelle was bleeding because of Cara's hard push.
Cara was just standing there laughing and smirking non-stop.
As Anabelle was crying she saw a hand giving her a handkerchief she took it and turned around to see Shane Hill the school beau.
She couldn't move her eyes away of Shane's hands which was grabbing hers heading Anabelle out of the school as the classes were finished.
Shane finally pulled away his hands and apologized and Anabelle started looking at him.
She could feel something in her stomach and it was surely butterflies.
Shane's house was near Anabelle's house so it was a mutual thing they were walking together.
"Uhm...Are you hurt?"Shane asked looking worried and this amazed how this well built boy could care about her a girl with dimples on her face wearing glasses.
"No..Thank you!My name is..."
"Anabelle,right?And no problem it was a common thing!"
He even knew her name!Anabelle was happy,she wanted to continue chatting with him but fate didn't want it.
"See ya I am going to my friend's"
Shane said as Anabelle was about to continue the chat.
Anabelle didn't mind and continued her way home happily!
And that is how Anabelle Carson started having a crush on Shane Hill.

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