

Withered Love
I remember those days of our childhood when we married each other with handkerchief veils and flower rings, promising forever. Those walks under the cherry blossoms to school, holding hands, the book dates in the fall and all the little moments. The way he asked me out for our first 'official date' still brings a smile to my face. The senior prom holds a special place in my heart, among all the cherished memories. I've kept every single token he gave me - the heart-shaped stone, the twig that resembles a your initial and countless other treasures. And the flowers... Oh, how he showered me with primroses, daisies, lilies, roses, narcissus, sunflowers, and even my favorite dandelions. But you know what? Just like his love for me, those flowers withered away. Yet, my love remained strong, like the stone. I loved him with every broken piece of my heart.
© Aurora Bridston