

Hearts on Fire 🔥
His lips pressed warmly against mine. The blush grew upon my pale cheeks. His breath smelt like a mix of peppermint and iced tea. He softly placed his hand against my cheek caressing it gently as he slowly leaned in to kiss me once again. I could feel butterflies in my veins, I was high off his kiss. I smiled like a dork and blushed even more when he pulled away to make eye contact with me.
"So that was...." He began softly.
"Incredible.." I blurt before I can stop myself. He looks at me and smiles his cute smile, dimples and all. For a minute all we do is look into each other's eyes and in that minute I swear my heart beats faster than a kid running a marathon. He's so incredibly perfect. He's so unaware how amazing he makes me feel. I blush and try to pretend to look busy checking out my nails when he places his hand on top of mine and holds it softly. I love the way his hand fits in mine. I feel secure with him around. I don't need anything else in this world to be happy. He's my happy place. I force my eyes back on him and sure enough he's still staring at me. There's something about the way he looks at me. I can't explain it, but it's like he's admiring me, and it's the most attractive feeling in the entire world.
I lean in this time, the adrenaline in my veins on an all new high. I hold my face inches from his lips so that he's forced to wait for the kiss. So he can't ignore the way he feels in this moment. So he knows how addicting it can be to be mine and to know that he's the one for me. To know nobody else would ever get to see me like this.
For his eyes only.
I kiss him softly and pull away slowly to see that a blush appeared on his cheeks. God he's so attractive and he doesn't even know it!
I smile at myself for finally getting the courage to kiss him first. I rest my head on his shoulder and listen to his heart racing in his chest.
I knew he felt something too.
I knew me and him were meant to be.
Forever and always ❤️
© Ashley Tulley