

The Mother Of All Bad Days
God I'm so sick of these white walls. It all seems so glum, I feel like decorating the place, put my own stamp on it. The spartan look should be left for hotels and waiting rooms, the kind of places people of all persuasions are passing through. A blank, bland canvas is good for people to feel calm around. Calm isn't anywhere near how I feel. I can feel the blood running down my arm slowly. I'm anxious, alert, terrified really. I could do with some of my creature comforts about me; a poster or two and a comfy soft blanket, a choice of music and something decent to watch. There's a wall hung telly but it's been playing the shopping channel for fifteen hours straight 'cause I can't find the remote and nobody seems the least bit bothered. I could go crazy at this rate on top of all my other worries. Bloody Hell, if I have to watch them sell another piece of fake looking diamante jewellery I will throw myself out the window. With any luck I'll bleed to death first.

I'm currently invested in an argument my brother is having with my girlfriend. She's been here for the past hour and for some reason he's angry. I edge a little nearer, moving to the side of the room silently, careful not to stir and give the game away. They're too engulfed in their argument to notice.
"For Christ sake Mandy, you took your time. I called home last night when they rang me. I got no answer so I rang Billy and explained the situation. Imagine my surprise when he said you were there, he'd go get you!"
"So, I was at Billy's, it's no business of yours," Mandz replied with the bitchy tone she usually reserves for me when I'm in the doghouse. I was curious, I thought she hated my mate Billy. She always told me he drank too much and his body odour smelt of Worcester sauce crisps.

I must...