

Communication. ( A Key )
communication is just like a holder
that holder that holds the thinks until it will make it workable
it helps to remove the distances
it helps to remove the grudges
it helps to remove the misunderstanding
it helps to clean the hearts
it helps to make people closer
basically , it is a solution to all the problems.
until unless the other person is sensible and willing to talk .( the most important think to add lol :)

so in every situation , sit and talk
discuss your point of view and listen to the other person's prospective also and think on it ..may be you were wrong somewhere or may be the other person is .
so think on it, figure it out , try to found the solution and most importantly BE A FORGIVER , try to make thinks easy for yourself and for the other person also .we all do mistakes so just let it go , live and let live and be happy!! BUT REMEMBER THAT!! communication is a ONLY step to reconcile the things!!