

When love dies (Chapter 5)
The next day it feels different. I don't hear footsteps, or a tv, anything. It seems so odd. The only thing I can think about is that man. I tap the pole and hear nothing. But then out of nowhere I hear a door open. I tap the pole yet again, and I tall man with a scars on his face opens the basement door. "What the hell do you want?"
"I need water."
"I'll give you water when I feel like it." I roll my eyes as he turns around. "May I please have some water?" As I finish the question, he turns around and slaps me. I touch my cheek in pain .
"I said I'll do it whenever the hell I want to!" He slapped me, and hard too! I sit back by the pole, when he shuts the door and go's back upstairs to silence. I got bored so I started drawing on the ground with a price of charcoal that a carved into a pencil. I drew a bird. A raven. I went into the bathroom and wiped the mirror with a piece of the toilet paper when I noticed the big bruise on it. "Oh my goodness." Anytime I touched it I had to hold back tears. I heard something being thrown downstairs. When I walked over to see what it was I was so angry. It was a water bottle with a quarter of it left. "Hey!" The man turns towards the stairs. "I can't live on this!" "I don't care. Anyway I have questions for you." He walked downstairs and pushed me so I was sitting on the floor. "What days is the money truck gone?"
"I don't know. I don't work with the trucks there."
"Well, I need to know so your gonna tell me."
"I can't, I don't know." He let out a deep sigh. "Ok, whats the password to the cameras?"
"You'd have to ask the tech guy not me." He got up and said, "Your useless." And then he kicked me, and then again, and I don't remember what happened, except I was gonna have a headache in the morning, and Im really in a bad position.

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