

Dating Him Ch.12

''Darling I've been sent to work in the United States.I'm leaving tomorrow by midday."

I knew it.I knew i'll not like what I'll hear.
I sat still some few seconds trying to understand.Why did Him bring me here for vacation in the first place?
I already had my plans with my girl friends before Him decided otherwise.
I was not sure to be comfortable with Him and his wife in the same town.I told Him so but he insisted on being with me in Italy with him for the first time.
I was happy to visit a different continent and to be with Him.
What is happening to my fairy tale now?
Him left for a baby shower in the US and came back just a day ago.Now this?

"Darling please don't get upset.It's a huge project I've been working on for almost ten years now.I'm very happy about this new turning point in my life baby and I want you to be happy for me too."

"I'm confused daddy.What will I do here all by myself?" I asked almost in tears.

"No! You'll be here for as long as we decided.I will be coming on weekends as I'll be working with David and Eve in the project.So please darling do not feel bad.I want you to enjoy your stay here.I'll be with you in spirit while I'm absent.You used to feel me don't you?"

Him smiled saying this and looking at me in the eyes.I smiled too and that was enough for my pain to fade away for some moment.

David was Him's boss and they worked for some strange thing I never exactly knew.Him talked very little about his job with me.I guess it's because he knew i hated maths.He would draw funny diagrams and stay whole day on his phone when he came home to see me and family.That same way he would travel round the world for some unknow projects.

Him later confessed his visit to the US was also to get to see his new home and try to put one or two things in order.He also told me his wife had a job proposal there too and that it was just great for both of them because they both could not stay away from each other.

I decided not to analyse that thought.Afterall there was nothing to say.Was she not his soul mate?

I had three more weeks to spend in Italy.Collins and John were to be my guides to what ever place I wished to visit.I grew very close to Collins when Him left for the US.

He told me how his mother divorced his dad and how she suffered depression because of the divorce.He also told me he had two sisters who where maried to prominent politicians in Italy.From time to time he called his mother when we were together and will introduce me as his classmate from Africa.She tried to teach me some Italian words and we were fund of each other over the phone.

Two weeks had passed and I was not bored at all in Italy. I had left the hotel to David's place where Collins and John both lived.Eve was a very busy lady.She left for work before breakfast and came back very late at night.She always visited my appartments when she came in early from work and we would laugh about some things I would normaly not find funny.

I had a very big appartment and two maids at my disposal.Him would give me a video call from his office every morning and every evening before leaving for home.

My leave was soon coming to an end...

© Abigail Ekangouo