

The Silent Wings (part - 3)
Amma clutched the coffee mug forcing her mom, "I want to go to study, Mummy."

Mom in a firm tone, with hidden sorrow in her eyes, "Tonight we are leaving this town."

The mug slipped down from her fingers, with a crashing sound the cup will be shattered on floor. The sound turns her mom gazes at Amma. Without a single word, she turns abruptly and slammed the door. Inside her room starts packing up the bags with jerky motions....

As she enter, the curtains starts to flew with a strong wind. She goes there, harshly locked up the window. Through the glass, her eyes caught at the shiny black furry owl, whose eyes seems locks on her. For a moment, his gazes melted all her anger away from her by leaving the curiosity in her eyes, makes her to look at him too. The deep gazes of owl is penetrating through her with too much intensity makes her to feel as a human is looking at her.

Amma takes a step away from the window, her heart pounding in her chest. She turns her gaze back again to look at the window, the owl eyes not even blink staring at her.

She ignore herself and left out by taking her bags.

With mom, Amma is walking on the dark street, the tears are lifting up in her eyes. Amma's mom looks at her by thinking, "Amma later you'll surely understand my concern.."

Amma's mom takes Amma to sit up in the bus.

After a while, a bus engine heard by the ears of Amma alerted her, makes her to still during sitting with a sweat started to had fallen from her temple.

Mom's searching eyes sees the bus getting close. Getting stand up, picks with gentle smile Amma's hand said, "Come Amma we have to go now...."

The bus is coming nearest to her, Amma's body is not allowing her to move only listening the upcoming bus sound.

Mummy said, "Amma..."

Amma looks at her trembling hands with an anxious eyes turns her gazes here and there.

Her mom being confuses asked, "Amma... Are you fine dear?"

The bus stops nearest to them and the door swings open. She by standing up runs away from there. She's so in hurry not looks at anywhere.

Mummy screams out aloud, "Amma...".

The darkest night leads her to an unknown strange place with a huge group of people all dresses in white taking candles up in their hands.

Amma starts to panicking puts her knees down, a man among the group turns back around to see the girl.

He's an old man in white long dress, Amma by looking at him starts to becoming normal smiles saying, "Daddy.."

Amma closes her eyes, her drop of tears falls down. By leaving the group the man being worried and curious comes to see her.

Amma smiles, "Daddy..."

He astounded, "How you can see me Amma?"

Amma while sitting there, extended her hand towards him with the tears continuously falling down saying, "He..lp... Daddy..."

He smiles emotionally tries to touch her hand but couldn't.

Amma being stands up wants to hug him but again could't. In the meantime, Mummy comes there by snatching her hand asked, "What are you doing here? If anything again..."

Amma's hand wants to touch still his daddy's hand but she couldn't, "Please don't let me alone this time?"

Amma's mom being confuses looking around her asked, "Whom are you talking to Amma?"

Amma says, "Daddy"

Mummy getting shocked.

Daddy smiles emotionally by seeing both of them, his eyes shows his intense love for his family.

Amma's mom asked, "Amma... but where?"

Amma turns her eyes towards mom saying, "Mummy see Daddy is standing here?" (smiles) "He is with us.."

Daddy by saying, "I have to leave Amma as your mom couldn't see me (looking at them) bye to you both... Take care of yourself and your mummy Amma. I know you can."

He puts her hand at Amma's head which she couldn't feel and her tears are flowing, he is going away by waving his hand.

She shouted, "Daddy..."

He turns with smile, "Don't worry, ... I am always be in your heart."

Amma with the tears smiles, he left away from there.

Amma's mom said, "What happened... Come with me Amma we have to go now."

Amma by looking at mom shakes her head saying, "I don't want to..."

Her mom looks at her saying, "Not at home too.."

Amma hugs her mom tightly saying, "Thanks... But Please don't take my intentions to be wrong.. as I am not doing everything intentionally. I loves you and Daddy alot..." (cries)

Mummy pats her, "Don't worry I understand sweetie." (tears flow from mom's eyes)

As dawn's light filtered into the room, Amma's mom watched her daughter to be sleep, her eyes filled with a mix of love and worry. Gently, she brushed a lock of hair from Amma's forehead. Then she carefully sets the blanket over her.

Stepping into the quiet of the early morning, Amma's mom answered her phone with a concern shown in her voice. "Doctor," she began, her tone seems anxious, "I'm feeling nervous about Amma. After the incident, she has been facing these challenges, and I'm getting worried about her."

"Please send that specialist soon, I want to take Amma back to our town safely."

After a few more words, she with a grateful smile, "It's okay, Dr. Thank you for giving your time," she by ending the call with a polite smile. Amma's mom walked back into the kitchen, unaware that the telephone wire had come loose and lay detached on the floor.

From the window, the furry black owl lighten up with the burning sun sitting on the tree with a deeper looks, blinks slowly its eyes.

As about to 8 a.m. the door knocks, Amma stands up to look at the door fot to know mummy had already opened. She is going to turn back saying, "May be milk man comes." The soothing voice of male heard by her ears, "Hello ma'am... called by you earlier in the morning."

His voice filled up Amma with more curiousity, she goes to check him out. He said, "I am a psychiatrist... have been called out for Ms. Amma."

She stops by listening it, looks at the man seems, sharp cheekbones, perfectly jawlines, totally a sculpted face. His straight body posture clothed in a dark, fitted jacket shows his broad shoulders and grace.

As Amma comes there, he was in a mid-sentence stops as he forgets. His deep-set eyes being fixed on her, and he blinked slowly, a subtle softening in his gaze makes Amma feels relaxed and protective for that moment.

© NabiaSajid