

My name is Carolyn LuAnnaLea Barbe!
Hello everyone, I pray hope and I have faith very well indeed do I not only Believe that my God has somehow some way more then once I do know he tried I pray that you have felt seen his love all around you even if your life may seems such a mess listen my dearest friend this I do know if you or the rest the world knew even half of what I go through or live through I know I do hide my pain very well it is indeed very very deep no words will ever be able to tell you or this world how I am feeling why you may see me smile is because this I know I stand myground lol do I have any takers that would love to try to push me to the ground see if you can take my joy away you can not no one can take my joy away that is where down in my heart I have the joy joy down in my heart from my Love my God my maker he is real dont try to tell me different save your sweet breath for something else for yes Putting my God my Lord down is fighting Words I will show you an everyone else lol I have an I will till my death stand for him for he stands with me I am is child his blood runs in me This If you would I do not need to know who will for me pray for these people that beat me puts me down rape me do as they may with me pray for them that soon they will come to him I do not understand why people do as they do but I am not their judge I wont lie I have to ask for forgiveness from my God to help me see the good in them as well not to run away from where my God has put me for him to help me understand their is a reason for me here where I am I do not like it at all yes indeed I do want to run away I had tried but they had always found me in the last 2 weeks the beaten the things they had done to me has been so so bad I know God is with me in my eyes I do not see how I am even walking when I shouldnt be at one time I did fear them for I had seen the things they did to others for I was told I shouldnt of maybe told them You had losted your game is over I told them 12 years ago that I had already won because I have had the best caoch he had never losted an he will never His name was God they thought I was fooling them I shown them copys I had already sent into the cops and the FBI and so many others everything I told them they could keep the copys yes theysaid I was a died Bitch yes I lol at them Yes I told them to try to kill me yes they have tried but each time I stood back up when everyone thought it was over when really it should of been God has always been with me I never knew it would be as bad as it has been I was told did I believe No but now all yes indeed I do At night I do beg my God to end all this I...