

egyptian mummy chapter 6
egyptian mummy chapter 6:the film
why ron was so proud from himself?
*ron don't love dr.hima it was all a film*
ron:hi dr.lexi
dr.lexi:hi ron
dr.lexi:tell me what did you do with dr.makarios and dr.hima?
ron: everything going as we planned dr.lexi.
dr.lexi:hahaahhaa i will own this world forever with this viruses i made.
*let's explain what happenning lexi is a girl have 23 years old she is insane like ron and she doctor both of them was insane and they thought if dr.lexi make chemistry formulations she will make viruses and she made it right beacuse she was so cleaver but still insane we don't know if the cruse tutankhmuan right or wrong but we know there will be viruses from the chemistry fromulations dr.lexi made*
*ron calling dr.hima*
dr.hima:hi ron
ron: hi hima i wanna hang out tommorow after work can we?
dr.hima:what what to hang out with me are you joke or what are you was real about what you tell us yestarday? (answered with angry voice)
ron: yes of course babe i was right.
dr.hima was shocking from what ron said because she was taking everything as a game she thought everything will be fine and okay its just joke or something and will end she take it a game.
dr.hima: what i am not you babe you are my assistant we not in realtionship or friends we just workmates.(dr.hima wasn't rude but she was just shocking ftome what happening she can't imagine what happening)
ron: so we will not hang out okay bye dr.hima.

where is dr.makarios? why he didn't call dr.hima after what happen or why she doesn't call him?
are dr.hima love ron?
what's the news about curse
why ron making this film on dr.hima and dr.makrios while he can make it alone with dr.lexi?
this questions will be answered in the next chapters.

© wrote by julia ehab
to be continued...........