

Chapter Ten

*Two Years Ago*

Lanas P.O.V

"Alex! if you pick up that worm one more time, I swear to god I am going to..."
"Kill me"he said. "Nah! you are way too sweet for that."
"Listen lover-boy, what Lana is trying to say is Leave the poor insect alone!"
"And if I don't"Alex said.
"You do know he has a family to get back to just like you and...... me"
"Ok, for your precious sake lana I will not touch the poor insect again."

I giggled.

"Candy, so who was that boy I saw you talking to earlier?"I asked.
"You do know that she is gonna dump him by tomorrow, right?"Alex said.
"Well, she's still living life"I said.
"Lets make a promise, To never keeping secrets"Alex said.
"Ok, but I don't see how this adds up."I said.
"it just came to my head, let's promise to never keep things from each other, always look out for another, and Make the right decisions"
"I promise"I said.
"Me too"Candy said."And about the guy, I'm not with him he's just my next victim."
"You need to stop"I said.


Lana's P.O.V

I woke up in a chair my arms and legs where ducked tapped. I was in a small room.

Surprised a tape wasn't over my mouth but terrified for not knowing where I am.

"Hey! If this is some sort of prank it's not funny!"I yelled. "Let me go!"

A door opened and Alex walked through it.

"Thank God you here, can you set me free?"
"No"he said.
"What do you mean by no?"I asked.
"I won't set you free when I put you here"he said.

What! What is he talking about!?!?


He came and and kneeled down infront of me.

"Lana, you don't have to hide anything from me"he said. "I already know"
"What are you talking about"
"Lana, I confessed my feelings to you,"


Alex's P.O.V

"Hey Lana, I need to tell you something"I said.
"Ok, no ahead"she said.

I sighted.

"I don't know how to tell you"

She patted me on my shoulder.

"You, are scared. You!"

She started laughing.

"Lana, listen I..."

She looked me in the face.

"Just say it"she said.
"Lana, you are my bestfriend, you've always been there for me with your support even if things aren't going to well with your life, The first time I actually got to see you for who you really are I fell in love with you and well. Lana I want to be more that friends."

She looked at me and didn't say a word.

"That's really sweet"she said."But.......... I don't feel the same way, Alex you are a great guy but I don't think I like you that much. I'm sure there is a girl out there that is suitable for your taste but I'm just not her"she said.
"Ok"I said.
"I'm really sorry if this hurts you, but it won't ruin our friendship I still you the way you are and don't think of you weird for likeing me"she said.


"And what do he do? huh!"
"Are you talking about Na......... oh my god. You are jealous Aren't you. So that's why you came back, you didn't come back so you could graduate with Candy and I, You came back to try and get me."
"Lana, He is a Vampire! and yes I know about him!"
"If I told you, you woldnt believe me"
"Look! you do not have to do this you still have a choice"I said.
"Lana, sweet and kind as always"he chuckled."You just stay here and call me if you need me"

He got up and walked out.

What's going on.

I need to get out of here, I'm pretty sure that Alex lost his mind.


Lanas P.O.V

"Hey! Candy where is Alex?"I asked
"I don't know, I didn't see him this morning"she said. "Is something wrong?"
"Yesterday he told me he liked me"I said.
"What! no-way"

She laughed.

"Wait.....he did what!"she said still laughing.

I wanted to laugh along I fought it.

"Anyways where is he?"I asked.
"Hold on a second, Do you like him too?"
"No! not in that way, he's my best friend and that's all there is"
"Ok,"she said.


Nathan's P.O.V

"Did you find anything?"I asked kylo.
"No not really all I know so far is that he moved back here a few days ago."he said.
"Ok where dose he live?"
"That I don't know"Kylo said.
"Since when do you not know?"I asked.
"This guy is really private"he said.

I coughed.

"Are you ok?"he asked.
"I'm fine I said."
"Did you drink any blood?"he asked.

I didn't answer.

"Nathan you know that vampires can only go a week without it you where supposed to drink it today why didn't you"
"I'm gonna find Lana"
"You are gonna die"
"I don't care as long as she's safe I'll die happy"
"And do you think she'll be?"
"Just try and find where this guy lives"

Lanas P.O.V

I can't take this any more, I bit down on the tape and tore it with my teeth then I freed my other hand and my legs. They should have put tape over my mouth. I got up and walked over to the door it wasn't locked. I slightly opened it and looked around I didn't see anyone. I went in the other room, I saw a staircase and there were footsteps coming down.I went back in the room that I was in before.

I really gotta leave.