

It's a gift to behold, as it unleashes a new world where u become the real student and keep on working to improve yourself as a teacher.
If you are satisfied with your teachings, it could be seen as a reflection in each of the students eyes. When one student looks upto you with admiration and respect, that's all it takes to make u float in the sky.
The attraction of teaching lies in your strategy to it. The most difficult to strategist and the most easy to fail is the method of teaching.
A single yawn can defeat you. The only way to make the class lively is to plan it, execute it all before going to the class itself.
First take the class for yourself. The more times you do it, the more and more you realise your flows and cut down all the crap out of it, to make it emerge as a one line beauty.
It takes dedication, loyalty, respect to the profession and should never be mechanical.
What you didn't get from your teachers, should be imparted by you to the students. The journey is a difficult one, with ups and downs, criticism from students, harsh replies, silent treatment etc. But if you have the substance with you, in the end you win.
Embrace yourself in this quest for knowledge, as you always remain a student for life and that is what you need for being a good teacher.
Studies never stop. It takes some effort to come to this realisation. And it's scarrier too, as the present generation is rather scared of it due to the tension and pressure of the exams.
Studies = exams.... That was the thought instilled in us so far.
But the real studies, one that is enjoyable, liberating, entertaining, satisfying our curious mind remains hidden underneath the layers of marks and rank systems.
It's time to dust it up and bring it forth.
First you should enjoy studies to make them enjoyable for students.
A creative mind is the need for the hour. Creativity requires effort and skill. Find it, use it, enjoy it.

It's a very difficult task to most to enjoy studies, but let's set all the pressure aside, and open our hands to knowledge. It can do wonders.

Thank you and all the best to all of the teachers out there, who are responsible for who you are today and are responsible to their students too.

Let's make life interesting with the power of knowledge by yielding it creativity and skill.