

7500Movie -2019 (Drama/Thriller)
We might have seen flight hijacking movies a million times, but what make this movie different is that the entire movie is shooted in an A320 cockpit. Cinematography gives a new color to this film by choosing different ankles in the cockpit and set up a claustrophobic environment.
This movie narrates the story from a pilot point of view, where Joseph Gordon as 2nd pilot fights back to save the aircraft even loosing his lover.
Obviously, the beauty of the movie is the director, cinematographer duo. They made the film with zero background score to engage the audience in more intimate moments with the characters and their thoughts. There were moments we might feel suffocated, and desperate for air.
Have to appreciate the nuance direction, and the brilliant performance by Joseph Gordon and the newbie Omid Memar. In that closed space we can only read their face, and expression were floating around that cockpit.
The famous critiques gave an average review maybe only cause, of the riveting ending. And some put forward the theory that Joseph could easily tackled the 18 year old hijacker Omid. But that's absolutely the director discretion to make a film as he likes.
This is one of the best hijacking thriller-drama which gives you some intense moment of suspense, and excitement. Far better than Neerja.