



After a failed suicide attempt, Stella decided to seek revenge on her ex-boyfriend. It was just the beginning of her new life! In this game will she able to find true love?

At last, I am dying...
Sorry, Dad. I know I did a wrong thing, but...
I can't stay here anymore!
That was the moment of my despair...
I swallowed more sleeping pills...
That was the last thing I remember.

Now I am in the hospital.
Damn, everyone near me...
I was just looking at my dad. He became so weak after my suicide attempt, my mom crying, and my brother giving me a teary look.
I know everyone is worried about me.
But even death doesn't want me.
Which means it's my second life.
I stayed in the hospital for a few days and fully recovered.
During these days, they didn't even ask why I did that.
I feel so proud of my family for supporting me until the end, but at the same time, I am regretting my stupid decisions from the past three years.
Now the time has changed.

You guys have been wondering what's really going on here.
My name is Stella Megan.
I am an MBA student.
And the future heir of Megan Cooperative.
Yes, my family is super rich.
I was born with a silver spoon.
I have a boyfriend. His name is Richard Soen.
Richard is the son of my father's PA.
When I was studying in high school, that was the first time I met him. Then eventually, I fell in love with him. I proposed to him, and he agreed to be my boyfriend. But that was just the beginning of my bad luck. Because of him, I was keeping my distance from my parents, family, and friends. At first, I thought he was being possessive, but it's not that.
Richard has no interest in me. He didn't even take care of me sweetly. We are not like other couples. But in the end, I had this foolish hope that one day he would change.
We have been dating for three years, and we were about to have our engagement ceremony. Richard demanded that I join my father's company. My dad strictly told him no, and the ceremony was canceled. Everyone who loves me told me he is no good for me, which made the situation worse. I had a big fight with my dad, and I moved out from my family.

In this time, I was expecting him to stay by my side, but he didn't. Then days passed, and one day I accidentally saw Richard with another girl. I secretly followed them and in front of me, I had a shocking view: he was kissing that girl. Her name is Nancy, and she is one of the top-ranked girls in our college.

I had a fight with him, and in that argument, he spilled the truth that he was only hoping for my family's destruction. From the beginning, he has hated our family, especially my dad, who is superior to his father. That day, he decided to take revenge, which is why he approached me and declared his love for Nancy, kissing her in front of me. This broke my heart. He played with my feelings.

The next day, I heard that my company had gone bankrupt, which made me even more shocked. At this point, my mind was filled with guilt, and that's when I decided to commit suicide. Luckily, everything is fine now. I believe this is my rebirth. This time, I won't lose.

5 years have already passed, and so many things have changed. During this time, I have learned a lot in my life. First, I decided to apologize to my entire family and explain what had happened. Surprisingly, everyone supported me, which made me very confident. In that moment, I made a decision to never let them down again. These days, I have been attending college and continuing my studies. In order to ensure a better future for my company, I decided to become a better version of myself. So, I joined a new university and have been studying and learning a lot. Today is the day I have decided to return to my family.

Now, my Megan Cooperative has expanded worldwide. Of course, I have kept my identity a secret in the business world. However, I recently found out that my ex-boyfriend has started a company using stolen ideas from my Megan Group. Despite this, I haven't done anything. I want him to achieve great success in his life. But when he reaches the peak of his victory, I have decided to bring him down to hell. Just wait and watch.

There are two things that have always influenced my life: my ex-boyfriend and my mysterious best friend. His name is Cherry, although that was just a nickname I gave him. He is actually my cousin, but he disappeared from my life. After that, I met my ex-boyfriend and all these painful things happened.

Several times, I searched for him, but he mysteriously disappeared. He is the one who taught me to chase our dreams until the end. So, in these days of breakdown and pain, I try to remember my best friend's words that have made me who I am today: Stella Megan, the CEO of Megan Group.

Finally, I am back!

I met my family after five years,
My mom always complaints about blind dates and feminine stuff of mine. But this time i didn't care at all. After that incident i gave up about relationships and everything. I am just being a career lady. My mothers family always insisting me finding an partner, but my brother and dad always on my side. After years of separation they didn't even changed at all. That is also made me happy. Anyway i recently got to know about that my uncle willson also here, he is like godfather to me. He is the one who saved my family when the crisis and also my advisor.
However, megan groups appointed him as CEO post now, because of my plans.my uncle is an cunning man, with his training i build an new path for me. After having an welcome party
I decided to go and visit him.

"Hello, sweety," Uncle welcomed me warmly.

I hugged him tightly. He hadn't even changed. He still had his mysterious, beautiful smile. He is my father's brother. He would always outsmart my dad and become a famous lawyer, while my dad built a cooperation. He is the one who supported him. When I am having a breakdown, he supports me sweetly. However, I know my company is always in his safe hands. But whenever I ask about it, he will reply, "Someone is protecting your dreams, so no need to worry."

Then we had a nice chat like this.
How are you, sweetie? Did you learn anything from the outside world?
Yes, I did.
Your hard work always pays off.
Thanks, uncle.
Well, how about taking a break?
Well, I need to attend a very important business meeting this coming week.
Then how about having tea right now?
I am ready. I smiled at him.
Well, what's your next move?
If I succeed in the next important meeting, you can make an announcement about me!
Oh... Is that important? Who is the client this time?
Warren's industry.
What? Seriously? All the best, sweetie.
Then he went to the kitchen to pour some tea.
I used that time to roam around his mansion.
Uncle is always cool. That's why he is my idol. However, when it comes to family, I heard that he had an affair with a royal family. She is such a strong woman. However, there are some issues going on between them. Later, they broke up.
I walked towards the hall area.
Suddenly, I was stunned by a painting.
A painting of a handsome guy, but he looks like my uncle, kind of.
Well, is it a picture of my uncle when he was a young man?
But the different thing in the picture is the mesmerizing blue mischievously is he? I asked unconsciously....
Those blue eyes of his made my heart pound fast, but why does he seem so familiar?
I can't help it, but I stare at that painting in a daze.
Then suddenly, I feel someone standing behind me.
I furiously turned around, but I couldn't find anyone.
Strange... Firstly, I felt like this mansion only had me and my uncle.
Then I feel like there is a third person?
I was about to roam around more when my uncle called me.
I rushed towards him.
"There you are," he told me.
I smiled at him and took a sip of my cup.

"Is anybody here?" I asked him.
"No, I am always alone. You know that, right?" he gave me a mysterious smile.
I just suspected my uncle for a second, but however I found it, it was so stupid...
"Are you planning to get married this time?" he asked me.
Suddenly, my mind went blank and those painful memories rushed in. I shook my head and coldly told him, "No."
"Is there someone on your mind?" he asked me mischievously . Then, at that time, I remembered the blue eyes.
I almost spilled my tea.
"Cough cough, what is wrong with you, uncle?" I asked him furiously.
He laughed in front of me like an idiot.
"It seems like you are in love!" he teased me.
"What?!" I jumped and stared at him angrily.
"Then why are you blushing if there is nothing?" he asked me again.
"It... S... NOTHING!" I shouted at him.
"Cool down, sweety. It's just a joke," he held my hands, and then I came to a cool state.
For a few hours, we talked non-stop.
Then, I decided to go back home.
I was about to take the car, but that feeling came back to me...
I felt like someone was watching me.
But I thought it was my hallucinations, so I drove home.

Today is the day for an important meeting with Warren Industries. They are the number one business group in the world. If I had a golden opportunity with them, I would be unstoppable in the business world. I just arrived at my company, one of the tallest buildings in the city and also one of the best in the business world. I entered my cabin, where my personal assistant, Vodka, was waiting for me. She and the board members of my company know about my identity. I came up with a plan for today's meeting. They were impressed and then they left. My PA, Vodka, just stared at me blankly. I asked her what was wrong. Then she replied, "You have changed, my lady." I smiled at her and said, "Well, people do change, Vodka." Vodka has been working with my dad for 42 years. She is like an aunt to me. She has witnessed my growth. "The silly girl you saw is already gone, Vodka," I told her. "It's okay, I can now see a confident lady in front of me." She smiled, patted my head, and left. I was surprised by her action. I smiled at her and got ready for today's meeting.

Damn... It's too crowded here. I didn't even expect this much crowd. But you know one thing, I will have tight competition here for sure. Warrens offers will be like this: once in a while, they will arrange a meeting with popular companies, and then they will provide all the assistance those companies need. But in order to do that, you have to impress them with your ideas. If they are impressed, those companies will get a golden opportunity. For me, it's a chance. A chance to rise again. I waited for my chance. However, there are more than 100 candidates in there. All of them look so nervous. Most of them lost their confidence after attending the meeting. I was shocked to witness all of this, but I can't give up. Finally, my turn arrived. I cant lose it.
I took my things and entered the conference hall.
I can see seven people with official suits sitting there.
They arranged my laptop. Then I was ready for the PowerPoint presentation.
I can feel my nervousness, but however, I can't lose.
I was about to start.
Then... that feeling again, someone watching over me.
I can't clearly see these people, anyway, I just focused on my presentation.
I deeply presented my idea with all of my efforts.
Even though I am in a tough competition,
But I am not going to give up.
When I finished, they stood up from their seats and congratulated me.
I politely thanked them and left.

I didn't expect anything, but the results will be out soon.
I decided to take a breath of fresh air.
Then I got on the lift, but soon it went to the top floor. Then I understood I was on the wrong floor. I tried to press the right button in the lift, then suddenly, someone in an office suit entered and the doors closed.
In that moment, I saw his face and my heart started pounding.
This guy is exactly like that painting.
The blue eyes...
I was stunned for a moment.
Then I knew it, I had to control my excitement for a moment.
So I tried to concentrate on something in the lift.
That guy was busy with something.
He didn't even notice me.
Phew... That's good.
But things are very different for me.
Why the hell am I so excited?
This is so weird, he doesn't even know me,
And I also know nothing about him.
I only saw his painting in my uncle's home.
Who is he anyway?
I suddenly shake my head,
Then the lift reached the floor I wanted to go to,
So I rushed to the door,
Then the lift door closed behind me.
I still tried to calm down, then I decided to ask my uncle about him.

Well, well, look who is here?
I just turned and looked at the person who made these comments after all these years.
Seeing him makes me sick, it's none other than my ex-boyfriend Richard with his fiancée .
Nancy smirks at me, and she stays too close to him. He looks at me furiously.
"What is a useless person like you doing here?" he asked me.
I just calmly stared at him, then ignored him and tried to pass him.
Then suddenly he grabbed my hands.
.Are you mute or something? I tried to shake his hand, but the grip was strong. I told him to let me go. He made a wicked smile and tightly held my hands. Then suddenly someone forcefully took my hands from him and pushed him away. I just looked at that person with amusement. It was none other than the blue-eyed guy. Richard fell down in front of me. He angrily stared at that guy. I could read his facial expression. "You must know how to respect women, otherwise I will teach you an unforgettable lesson," he warned him. I was stunned, then Richard furiously got up. At that moment, he tried to punch the blue-eyed guy, but he kicked him easily. "It's none of your business. Who the hell are you to judge me, moron?" he shouted at him. Then the blue-eyed guy replied with a powerful punch. "You will know it soon," he said. He almost broke Richard's face. Nancy was terrified and tried to drag him out of there. I was also terrified by his actions. Then he came near me and asked, "Are you okay?" I looked at his handsome face, but those blue eyes were driving me crazy, so I looked away. "Yes, I am. Thank you," I thanked him politely. Then I realized he was still holding my hands. "Can you let go of my hands?" I asked him, and he let go. "Oh, sorry. Anyway, take care, miss," he told me and walked away. I just walked towards the cafe inside the office, and I could still feel the warmth from my hands. "So warm," I said unconsciously

Days went by, but I was still stuck on the guy with blue eyes. He was stuck in my mind. After the incident with my ex, I heard that his company was having troubles. I was busy with work, but my uncle always came to visit me, which made me very happy. Vodka also always assisted me. However, when night time came, those blue eyes began to haunt my dreams.

One day, my uncle rushed towards my cabin. With amusement, we had a conversation like this:

"What happened? Is there any problem, uncle?"

"Sweety, I have good news!"

"Good news? Tell me."

"Not now,.You will know soon," he said with a mysterious smile.

"Not again," I thought. "I am damn sure he is up to no good."

The next day, I was about to prepare some business papers when someone entered my cabin. I looked at that person and tears rolled up in my eyes. I rushed towards him and hugged him. He also held me tightly.

"Cherry," I called him. At the same time, I burst into tears.

"Ella," he called me gently and smiled.

Then, the next second, I pushed him and punched him in the face. He was shocked.

"Ouch... What was that for?" he asked me furiously.

"What did you expect? That I would cry like this and accept you? Never! I will never forgive you!" I shouted at him and began to throw my things at him. He tried to convince me, but I didn't even listen.

Suddenly, someone behind me held me tightly. I tried to shake them off, but  his grip was so strong.

"Can you just listen to him patiently?" He whispered in my ear. My heart beat went crazy. Without turning back, I knew it was blue eyes. I was frozen. Then, Cherry began to talk to him.

"Boss, I didn't expect to see you here. Anyway, thank you."

"Don't misunderstand me. I came here to meet the CEO. I heard this fuss, then I saw you here. Don't forget we came here for business,
Clear your mess and meet me" blue eyes said.

Then, he let me go gently and left us alone. I stared at him all the way in a daze. Then, Cherry shook my shoulder and we had a conversation like this:

"I'm sorry, Ella. I will accept your punishment. Please don't be mad

Humph, you are going to treat me to today's dinner.
Then I will think about forgiving you.

Okay, anything for you... He smiled at me.

Then, it was night time. Cherry invited me to a five-star restaurant. My mom didn't let me go in an official suit, so today I dressed up nicely. I told her I was dining with my best friend, but she said if it's a male, then dress properly. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly agreed. I was wearing a classic style women's clothes. Usually, I dress in a business suit or something comfortable. As I expected, Cherry laughed at my look. I got irritated and punched him in the stomach. "Damn you... Gorilla lady," he shouted at me furiously. I ignored him and walked inside the restaurant. After a few minutes, he caught up with me. Then we decided to find a quiet place. Suddenly, I saw my uncle. I was about to call him when I noticed blue eyes sitting near him, engaged in a serious discussion. So, we decided not to bother them. But seeing blue eyes made me feel dazed. Then, Cherry dragged me out of there. Eventually, we found a quiet place. "Now let's have a romantic dinner," he teased me. We were now having a candlelight dinner, and our conversation went like this:

"Are you kidding me?" I furiously asked him.

"Oh hello, gorilla lady. I am not interested in you. Besides, I already have a girlfriend."

"Ohoho...," I smirked at him. "Well, you have to explain everything to me."

"Yes, firstly, I am sorry. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to you because of your ex."

"What? He did something to you?"

"Yeah, kind of. He tried to frame me in a drug case, but luckily I spoiled his plans. Then I pursued an MBA at a famous university in the UK. So, I went abroad. At that time, I tried to contact you, but it failed."

I stared at him for a moment. Tears rolled down my eyes. He came near me and hugged me gently. I told him, "It's all my fault. I am really sorry." I burst into tears. Cherry held my hands and wiped away my tears. "Don't blame yourself. I supported you and that bastard's relationship. Then, I couldn't protect you well. I failed as a good friend." We both had a breakdown. Suddenly, he said, "Hey, do you want to hear about my love story?" The atmosphere changed,
Then we went back to the situation like our childhood memories.
I feel so happy for him. When he is near to me, my whole pain is fading..., i thought.
While we were waiting for our dinner, suddenly someone came near our table.

Cherry jumped from his chair,
Boss... He called him,
You are supposed to work with me,
He scolded him.
What the hell, I just stared at him.
Then I looked at his blue eyes, but surprisingly he was angry.
He was giving me a furious look.
I don't know why, but at that time I could see his blue eyes burning with jealousy and anger.
Suddenly, he scolded Cherry and dragged him out of there.
I was shocked by his actions.
Even though I was angry at him for ruining our dinner.
But Cherry told me,
It's okay, I will treat you one day and went out with him.
What a jerk, I thought about Blue Eyes.
What is his problem anyway?.

#To be continued...
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