

The Ventriloquist Act 14
After reading his email, she replied back thanking him. She felt glad Mr. Hanks figured a way of trying to help her and her mother.
When it was time for her to go to bed, she got up and turned off the lights. 10 minutes later when she went into her deep sleep mode, there was loud footsteps coming up the stair case. The loud sound awakened her. She got up and thought it was her mother again, but the lights was off by the stairs. She checked her mother's room and she was asleep. Jasmine knew it was the dummy playing tricks on her again.
    No sound, it was completely silent after that. Jasmine went back to bed, and as soon as she fell asleep, a whisper occured. "JAAASMIIIIINEEEE."
    She opened her eyes widely in shock, but the dummy was not there. Jasmine could not take it anymore, so she got out of her bed and swiftly ambled to her mother's room. When she opened the door, her mother awakened by the sound of the door.
    "Momma, can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked her mother.
     "Girl, you not little anymore," her mother said.
      "Don't give me that puppet shit girl."
      "I know but tonight I'm afraid, so please momma? Just for tonight?" 
     "Okay, but only for tonight."
     "Thanks momma."
     "Girl go to bed."
     The next day Jasmine went to class desperately waiting on the day to end so Mr. Hanks can give her those spell supplies. When class ended, Mr. Hanks hurried and gave her the objects to use to do the spell. "Remember, you can not perform this activity until after the 7th day."
        "This means a lot Mr. Hanks,  thank you for helping me."
        "Don't mention it, if anything goes wrong, or if you have any questions, please do call me."
       "Thanks," she said as left the room.
      When she got home she attempted to do the spell step by step in her house. She was really hoping she do it right. She prayed before she began the process. She anointed her room using the candle lights and the in scents. She put 7 mojo beans on top of her dresser to remind herself to put them in her pants pockets everyday for only 7 days specifically.
The 7th day spell was on Sunday. When Jasmine woke up, she caught the bus to an Indiana riverside Lake near her area. When she arrived on Indiana riverside bridge, she darted towards the bridge and prayed out loud. She placed her arms around the railing. She had written the quote sentence of what Mr. Hanks told her say, and added her words to it after.
"In the name of the father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Father God," I don't know what is happening to me and my momma, but father God I need you right now, I need you to help us father God. I don't know where this thing came from. This ventriloquist dummy thing. But I kno my teacher explain this evil creature thing to me and where it came from. All I want is this fucker to leave me alone. You have that power father God. You only have the power to take down that devil."
After Jasmine made her wish spell in the river she walked away from the bridge and did not turn around to look back because if she do, her wish will not come true. It will break the spell, and she knew she could not do that. She did exactly what her teacher Instructed her to do.           
Monday morning came, and after class Jasmine told Mr. Hanks she did the spell with no questions asked.
        "Wow, I'm so glad you performed it without calling me. I was shocked and I thought something had happened to you."
         "I just hope my wish comes true."
        "You didn't look back right?"
        "No I didn't, I followed your instructions clearly. I did not turn around after I put the seeds in the river. I just walked off."
          "Good because if you looked back, that would of ruin your wish."
"I know."
"So do you think it will work?"
"Did you perform the spell correctly?"
"Than you wait and see."
"I hope so because I want that dummy dead."
Mr. Hanks just smirked and got up from his seat. "You have a great evening Jasmine. See you tomorrow, and stay put. I'm sure it will all work out."
"Thanks Mr. Hanks."
Jasmine felt something choking in her sleep. Is it a dream? Is it a nightmare? The choking pressure was heavy and she could not breath. It felt real to her. When she opened her eyes quickly, and saw the dummy on top of her stomache.
The dummy spoke in a whispering tone. "You trying to kill me, but you can't."
"I want you to die," she said, throwing the dummy down onto the floor.
"But you can't," the dummy said, running out of her room.
Jasmine ran after the dummy, and he vanished. She looked over it around her house, but it disappeared somewhere.
"I thought that mutha fucka was dead," she said to herself.
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