

she can't
You can't go like this
At this time you are coming, this is not safe.
What are you wearing, wear some "good type" of cloth.
Came home before 7 o clock
Take your brother with you.
No, you can't travel alone.
These are some of the sentences every girl listens on regular basis, we grow with the fact that it's our and only our responsibility behind every mishappening.
Why people don't understand the fact that it is not how we cope up with this problem.
Yes, I am talking about rape or any mishappening every woman face on a daily basis, because of this many women are not able to walk on their own street, not safe in their own city.
First, they have to think is it safe. Should I go?
This is not just a problem of some area, not even of only country, its a problem of the world. On daily basis we listen on News about someone's rape case, every day uncountable mishappening occurs, and as a result, sometimes they lose themself and think that anything that happens with them is because of themself only, this is really very sad.
Is this is how our country saying proudly that we have Constitution, and we all have our own rights?
We are proud that we have freedom. Is this how all of us are gonna celebrate freedom or celebrate our rights?
This problem did not arise because of women only for sure. People with narrow-minded personalities and people who are Stuck with them are the people who increase breathless situations for women.
If it was just only because of women or of women's cloth then why do we read rape cases of young children who just took birth, it is the people whose eyes are just use to harassing women, making them uncomfortable or giving them such bad life ahead, many women attempt to suicide after any mishappening that break their inner soul and Peace.
Women's equality and empowerment are one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but also integral to all dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development some examples are the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices.
Lack of knowledge and Lack of giving a good mentality to the upcoming generation may be the reason.
It's not even their fault it's the society who don't teach them and even support the rowdiness of men, the tinyness of Women's wish, even other women would agree that the Lady is the reason, that's so shameful. Mistakes and lustfulness of men are even Ignored. this is the reason why women in society did not feel safe. we have to change the mentality of people when the stupidness of men is the main reason. For rape cases or other mishappenings, I am not blaming the Male dominancy
But the lack of knowledge lack of proper guidance lack of giving proper talk to our growing ones, not openly talking about it and many more, are the main reason why these cases are still a big problem.

It is very wrong to blame a woman for whatever happened to her. This should not be Welcomed in society. For sure we have to think about it and we have to make sure every woman gets freedom and feels safe in his own country we have to take this as a personal issue.
To decrease the cases or to protect the women's community we have to take many measures. We have to ensure every woman that she is not weak she has the equal right to say No. Education and proper guidance for women's community development are necessary and have to be increased.
Education is a key factor to increase the mindset.
Education Not only for the female community but the proper knowledge and guidance to the upcoming men community should be a storm in the Prevention of these occurring in society on daily basis. We have to work together for stopping this nonsense and should get proper guidance and knowledge of their rights. They have to feel confident in any way. If we talk about ways to reduce these situations we can do this together just not much effort just awareness and Educating people it may take time but for sure we can cope UP with this situation. .. #Women #She
© jainmitali