

her worst fear
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!...
there he was standing in front of her as it was yesterday
he sighed and said its been days since we met....
she took a deep breath and told herself to relax, to be calm
he is here now.... what should I do.... to make him go away... I can still hear him breathe around me... the last time was horrible..... what if it happens again... it'll be too much for me now....
her emotions were flooding down her cheeks as a waterfall...
she gathered herself and asked him
who is it supposed to be now....
he said - that pretty little one....
she- whyyyyyyyy... can't you just take me instead... make me free of this all...
the pain the suffering all will end in a second....
he smirked and said I'll when it's your time but now it's time for this little fella (her dog)
he went away with her dog instead making her feel empty inside every time he arrives....