

Silent Heroes
Its the 6th day of our training.The day is sunny ,cool and good as usual.
Surrounded by high mountains ,
walking on rocks ,we 12 students including me are moving to a new place for our further training.

Ohh! Ya ,off course....I forgot, myself Ankita,a dumb who always prefer to stay alone.This training is for those who are physically challenged.Ya,it's a bit strange to hear,as what should be there in training for them?Actually this is organized by our lovely teachers Mansi Mam and Mamta Mam with their team, so that we can accommodate and cope up with the situations in our life.
So here present with my 12 friends, actually not friend yet as we all some extent dislike each other,as we fails to express ourselves to others.Without teachers we can't understand each other.So as I said I am a dumb,but I was told to make team with Khusi who is deaf and knows lip reading.We are formal friends with less interacting and more upset in hearts with each .Soon when we are going to next session we witness 4 boys Ali,Amit,Satya and Surya are fighting with each other.its seems as a silent action scene...
Due to this the teachers decide a punishment for all of us.They gave us task that we have to reach our destination with ourselves without teachers and helpers.I was very upset as I am bearing the punishment without any mistakes.But this seems very interesting to Rufina a dumb,Lucky a deaf,Gauri a blind,Rajashree a deaf and dumb.Let me tell you lucky is a GIRL,yaa its
confusing sometimes and blinds were informed about the same also.
Sometimes her name bring a big commotion in group...
A while later don't know what happened ,the nature became dangerous and we all hold each other and made sure that none can get separate from group.I think its the first time where we helping and holding each other hand.
Just then a weird sound we heard,
seems of an accident.Without any delay we headed to that direction where the smoke is coming,we gaze each other with open eye and mouth as a bus was shown upside down.We all moved to that spot in a hope that they may be fine as in this mountaineous region accident can take many lives.Ali who lost his one leg,Abinash who is both deaf and dumb by birth followed by Satya, Amit,Ankush rescue the passenger.I with Khusi,Rufina,Surya started collecting the herbs and meds that we have with us as much we can to treat the people.And Mirza,Raj,Lucky,Gauri
with Rajashree walk to other side in search of food and other necessary help.And yes due to network issue we couldn't come in contact with our organization or teachers to inform them about the accident.The nature is also seems not in our favor.We are unable to face the situations.We have no option rather than to wait for morning.Between this we try to comfort the people but fails as they couldn't get the sign languages.Still we try and divide the work between us.As we have with our stuff that needed in mountain and we get many ideas through training also,we manage to light the bulb through potatoes and apples,we tie the people through a single rope in a row to cross the river to reach a safe place.While doing all this we never realized that this what is happening right now brought all of us together.We all can now interact with each other through sign and actions.
And all this really makes us very happy.After we reach a safe place we settle down there.We all started caring each other ,have funs and share our views, our thoughts which seems impossible before.We didn't need any translator or any other help.

Time passed...its the 7th day ,we all gear up and started walking with people behind us.Just then far from the other side we catch the eye of our teachers along with them the medical team and approach toward us.They were proud and amazed by seeing us together and happy and how we manage things together with our mind and off course like a team .Its feels so good and satisfied that though we are physically challenged but we overcome the problems that we face in beginning.I can't forget that day i.e started with a punishment but ended with an embracement.
And this is how we became and named as SILENT HEROES ...

© Ankita Mishra