

for love is no to be explained it is to be experienced
just like flower you don't have to understand how they grow you just appreciate there beauty

love is beautiful love those not hurt
love what bonds this universe
love is stronger than anything
but love isn't foolish
only the foolish eyes sees foolishness in what love
love is the strongest force in the universe
God is love
and love is God
love is peace
love is happiness
love is understanding
love is patience
love is hope
love has no boundaries
love knows no color
love isn't blind but sees without judgment
but in fear man has forgotten what love really means chasing attachments of various kind and calling love, and creating boundaries and fighting over what isn't his in the first place.

you love is had to find but its just at arms length
the man in the mirror is the one with the love you seek
and until he finds it he has nothing more to give