

LOVE IS A CONSUMING FIRE, like a mighty ocean, she can help to transit your voyage and spoils to your destination, but she can equality, help sink men who lack understanding, " the ship to Tarshish can deliver a lover to her destination, or swallow a lover that lacks understanding. The soul of man was initially, pure, holy, lambish, like a baby,, he has the nature and likeness of his Father-God, but still infant in knowledge of who he is,, and this infancy was his vulnerability, and the merchandise take advantage on his lack of knowledge of who he is., the deceiver, ride on Eve ignorant, , man traded away the glory and honour, with dominion and authority his Father (God) gave him.with vanity and lies, and before he knows anything, he sold out his Destiny and that of all his progeny, into slavery, and ruin of many generations, Soul of man has been training for redemption and delivering, Adan now have change fatherhood, and could not understand his identity, another seed of knowledge has been sown into him, " the informational knowledge" the lower end corrupt type of knowledge the dead can understand, he can't further than his five sensess, , he is now dead to the True knowledge, revelational knowledge, he does not know his true identity, he was a Love being, like hos father, so when LOVE appear to Adam the second time he cannot recognisee Love, so it will take Adam "the knowledge of God, called faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" to beginning to grow into tru e LOVEI. So faith is the school designed to graduate man into True Love called CHRIST, this is when the deep will begin to call unto the deep, the Love and his Lover begins to know each other, and there will be a transfer of life. Now ho man you have wake up Love don't let her alone, the scripture says "kiss the son less he be angry and you perish"...so don't stirred up Love if you are not ready for for Her, She is like a two-edged sword, quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword...She can defend her true lover even with Her life, and She can equally destroy, he who could not trust Her embrace, am meek and lowly in heart, (She said) and you shall find rest to your soul.
The soul of man has been in captivity, by the enslaving trick of the merchandise, but glory be to God the true LOVER has been sent by the father of LOVE Himself, and the price to buy back the soul of man is the blood of HIS Son, , but will man embrace Her? The Father of Love has paid with the life of His first born, called LOVE , do we embrace this Love or we trust in the lies of the merchandise, our groaning for deliverance wake Her up, now She has come, and you said you are not ready, still patiently waiting for your embrace and trust, but you despise, Your only true Love, though She is Loving kind-heartedly, lambic , yet she is like a two-edged sword, can deliver you from the eternal captivity the wicked one had enclave you with, you have wakened Her up, and you can't let Her go. She is a Consuming ire to the one who doesn't trust Her embrace, and a defining fire, to the one who trusts and embraces Her with " kiss" if you miss this kiss, the next is judgment and man cannot escaped the other side of Her sword. She is like the deep blue Ocean, She can can help to transit your spoils and treasures to your destination and She can swallow up Her dispersal, depending on which side of the
fence you are. Are you for Love or against Love, think carefully, She is right at your door knocking on your door( soul)_ for love and embraced, except the merchandise as he did in the beginning is still tricking and trading with your Destiny, . Do you want Her to refine you or destroy you, ? The choices yours. LOVE IS A CONSUMING 🔥
13:8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but the poor heareth not rebuke. Proverbs
© Oyebanji Oyekunle