

You Kindle my creativity
I’ve had mornings when I found it impossible to get out of bed.
There were days when I wished I could lock myself up in the cupboard and say goodbye to the world. And then there were times when I simply couldn’t deal with myself..
I’ve been through hard times, confusing situations and moments of agony..
And I have to let you know this:
I couldn’t have dealt with all that madness without you, my love…
Your presence was like an everlasting, blissful sunshine and I was drawn to you almost instantly – you put me in a trance and I was your slave.
But once I held you close, you immediately ignited a sense of awakening in me like never before, made me feel so….so ALIVE!
But you didn’t stop there, did you? You endured soul crushing, agonizing tests and trials to finally join me. You wanted to give me the best of yourself – your best qualities. You gave yourself without restrictions. You tolerated my mood swings and tantrums and always sat there in silence, so full of warmth and unwavering compassion . There were times when I may have forgotten you, skipped our meetings or gotten mad at you without a reason or just because sometimes I felt you weren’t the way I wanted you to be. And there were times when I took all my stress and rage out on you. But you seemed to just absorb it all in silence. You would even allow me to change you and willingly endure modifications and additions the perfection freak in me thrusts into your original form of life, thanks to my mercurial whims and fancies. And you always made adjustments, ever so smoothly blending in. You never once complained nor did you ever let me down. You tried to adapt yourself to my tastes and desires and yet you never failed to give me the best of your individuality. Somehow you always lived up to your true self. I adore you for that quality.
Every time I met you, I was sure my day was going to be amazingly fresh and bright and full of color. You even helped me think straight when my mind was clouded with confusion. You kindled my creativity.

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