

a face hard to forget
I sighed leaning on the cranky train seat....
Shuffling through the books in my bag trying to find one I haven't finished yet....
Seems like other than the ticket officer somebody else noticed my presence..
he wore A well ironed pleat shirt and a dark brown pant ,just like someone from his age does .He had a kind face a face hard to forget
Taking his eyes from the book he was holding slowly, trying to show how focused he was,he closed the book he was reading upside down.he looked at me and straight up asked me ,"you must be tired ,poor thing"... I was shook and glad at the same time .somebody told me he wasn't to talk for a while.but the moment I woke from that trance that old man just assumed I was rude and not interested in a small talk.My guy just went back to indulging himself in upside down reading.Few time later I checked the time and prepared to call amyra , I haven't called her since I was busy with my responsibility and work I had to get done in bangir(place name). the train was late for my luck only I know how I managed to get till here carrying all by myself....she picked after a few rings I assumed she was working and yes she was...ahh! this workaholic...we talked a lot and smiled while the old man took small peaks at me laughing..the giggles and small talks subsided...she cleared her throat .I knew it was the time for real talk."umm..so how's he doing, is he fine?....what did they say?...did you eat?
"Well hold on please fire them one by one.... he's just fine .well he seems like he is".they said.....they said a lot actually (diverting myself)most of it was what I didn't get..felt like I was back in my biology class which wasn't my thing .... I'll tell you the rest after I eat first" i replied hurriedly.... I hung up. I knew she had a few words left to say most of them I didn't allow her to say some that she kept to herself....the old man wasn't peeking anymore he was laughing... looking at me..i was in a trance again.he spoke , "I see you're happy and more yourself to someone more special ...marry him, young girl in a big city alone ....not good not good ....."
I was dumbstruck but enjoying it.i was like imagining amyra going nuts if she heard this.... I should've been annoyed but felt very calm ,neutral actually...I said" I'm planning to, actually everything is perfect I'm Just missing that special guy".and he gave a smile and continued.
"you're young they say old don't see but the young uns are the one blind actually you're at a age where you have everything, where you see everything but you don't see the right things".no no that's just... actually it's true ..the philosophy hit hard it brought me that face (that special person)I had left for something more significantly important to my mind..."see now you're thinking about him right "?he giggled a smile with no teeths at the inner sides. cute.
"What about you mister?"
Ahhh I shouldn't hadddd
"Me? I ...aahh I have someone I like" it.. arghh don't see her that much"
Yeah old people are blind they don't see the truth
I stoped him midway not forcing him out anymore ..and the food trolley of the railways had been getting closer to us...i ordered a egg rice for him..and was planning to not eat so didn't order for me ..i was Full just by looking at him eat. this guy was eating it wrongly he should mix with yoghurt first and take in bites with some pickle ....he stared at me offered me those and said
"eat it you look hungry you'll get me a troubled stomach..."
ahh was my stare too intense I thought it was warm..."no just kidding if I had a child I would never let it starve you're ruining my image please take at least five bites..." He said
and I was melted by those simple words ...thirsty for a father's love again i took two bites then stopped...we talked for some time and stopped at my profession. "I think you might be a government officer you have the bold look for one ...there was a name what do you say.....ahh I knew it ...... "
"Well don't stress about it because I'm not one anyway I used to work but quit cause of personal reasons"
I said after sighing

"Do you mind if I ask why"
"Past is in the past why bother" i said
"Oh okay...you still have time for a wonderful future
Don't waste your time like this old man did"
"It's fine sir I get it
On your behalf I'll hurry on finding the one and marry him right away"
He smiled and said
"Oh don't be honey, I won't be pleased to see another divorce case.. nowadays it's like a trend.... you're a sweet child you should only marry once you've taken time to understand each other...."
I felt warmth all over my heart
I thought it was too frozen for any kind of love.....
"Which stop are you getting off "he asked
" kibral "I said
Uhmm ...i think I'm also getting off there.....
You think....
"Will you remember me....uncle?"i asked my voice with a hint of sadness.
"Huh ..I might look old but my memory is fresh like my soul "
I held myself together from any kind of reactions
"And for a wonderful kiddo like you.. it's hard to forget daughter...."

After some time the next stop came then the next ....i was asleep .
actually no.
I was lost in thoughts but abruptly alerted I opened my eyes with a jerk
Ohh it was the alarm my stop to get off is next
Right now it have been sort of like early morning very early that I almost was out of thinking capability.......
The old man was asleep...
Not caring to wake him i swiftly moved and took my belongings and his ones from the deck too...
But he was awaken by the sounds
I guess I was the only who thought that was Swift😶
The old man stretched and gave out a big yawn
I found it cute

He was looking at me .. dumbfounded I guess ....
His memories were fading . I didn't wanted to explain who i was again so I said:
"Dad let's go ...ours is next to get off"
Confused but his smile assured me he was fine......
He still had some fragments of memories I guess he was not forgetting things as fast as I thought he would..
He was like"you.........so I have daughter...you are my daughter" with this he laughed out loud.....
"What are you ashamed" i asked
"No I'm proud...very proud "

Saying that i pulled my dad with me and we got off

This guy here ,he's my dad!!!!
He remembers me...... he's proud of Mee.....ofcourse i love him too I'm proud of you too dad i hope I can listen to your voice calling me "daughter",and "little one" every single day....

But the price I had to pay for you was ... losing him,my only one......

To be continued