

Cyborg Chapter 3
Allan give lily food to see if her sense of taste works.Lily eat the food and say that the foos is soo delicious.

"hmm..Your sense is functioning"said Allan
"Huh?"said Tiana
"Her sense is working.She can taste the food"said Allan
"Ouh"said Tiana

After Lily done eating.Allan brought her outside to show her what it's like outside.Lily walk to the middle of the road.Lily look around her and surprised because the human all around her.
Allan and Tiana just looking at her from the side of the road.

Pit pit!!
A car almost hit Lily.Allan run and push Lily to the other side.The car owner get out the car and apologized to them.

"Doctor Allan! I'm sorry for driving soo fast"said Zach
"Zach! You almost hit my new cyborg!"said Allan
"Cyborg? What do you mean?"said Zach
"She's not fully robot. She's a human before being a robot. But only some of her organ still working right now"said Allan
"Wow that's amaizing"said Zach
"Well I'm late for the friend day! See you later"said Zach

Zach left with his car.Allan told Lily to never go to the middle of the road because it's soo dangerous.Lily only nodded.
Allan told her to stay outside while he help his customer. Suddenly, something rolling and hit her leg. Lily look down and take the round but flat thing.