

D.S. AI Coda
Where to start? Maybe at the beginning. No..No one has time to read an entire story like that. Maybe I should start at the end. At least then you can understand the blunt reasoning I have about this decision. You see, I'm like the rest of you...Trying to find my way in life. Never knowing about my decision and their importance to the person I am today. Years ago, I started on a maze of crossroads. I was younger then, and didn't care for the rules of this game of life. I just wanted to live it and explore all possibilities. Not realizing I was bound to lose who I was in the labyrinth of the mind. With each path I took, every dead end, I was left with more questions than answers. I guess in the end, there is only one solution. Who am I? Why have I endured so much? What is happiness? What does it mean to be complete? Will I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel? Is this the right way to go about this problem? Should I've been more careful for my word choice? Does anything that I do matter to the people around me. D.S. AI Coda.

© theillusivewriter