

The sad story about my brother whose name is daniel
When my brother was a little baby his mom got into an accident the doctors said she was not so well in the head which means she was crazy.After the incident my brother aunties kept him until he was ten they left to go to America so my dad met my mom and soon I was born they decided that Daniel would come live with us. Over the years mom and dad argued and argued but this time when they were arguing sounded serious they were arguing about money when my mom left for work my dad packed Daniels bag and they were gone poof just like that. Over the years Daniel kept on moving from one place to another until he met his father girlfriend and she moved into his fathers apartment.Everything was fine she was nice and had two sons that were living there too all of a sudden she started mistreating daniel.And her sons burned my brother with iron and so they kept on mistreating him and mistreating him in front of my dad when my dad was at work my dad saw all of this and he just didn't care. My brother is 15 now and he is living happily with us