


I woke up to something cold crawling on my body, my leg to be precised. I had passed out in some mysterious way yesterday. I waited for this slow sensation to pass. I felt it crawl up my leg. it crawled up to my waist and then stopped there. I held my breath for God knows how long. It took like few minutes before it crawled up to my stomach. As if some bad spirit was in control of that moment, my stomach grumbled.
"Jesus, I need you right now."
I felt this creature raise it's head about to strike. It stroke. Filling my stomach with venom. I reached out and grabbed it's neck with one hand and with the other hand I grabbed a stone.
After hitting it's head for a couple of times, making sure that it's head was shattered, I removed my apron and tied it on my waist. The stupid snake had the stupid mind to bite stomach. I rolled on the floor. I couldn't stand up. Funny thing is that I don't know how to excorse snake poison from someone's body. Funny enough my own body. I rolled towards a tree and struggled to a sitting position.
Sitting here watching the headless snake writh in pain, I suddenly thought of my son. What is he doing right now? Is he in school? Or is he looking for mummy? I had sent him to school yesterday morning before boarding the stupid plane. I had told him goodbye and kissed his baby forehead. Was that the last time we were going to see each other?
"Baby, mummy's belly is going to swell and burst because there's snake poison in it." I said to no one. From the point I tied the apron, there was a little inflammation. Was this how I was going to die with my entrails bursting open? I survived a plain crash to die like this? I suddenly thought of my mother. How was she faring? I hope what ever spirit that told her that boarding that plane yesterday was a bad idea will tell her that I am dieing.

I don't know how long I passed out. I woke up to people cutting me open. There were two men in front of me.
Two scary looking tarzans but I think this time they did not come to rescue Jane which could be me, they came to eat Jane. I survived a snake poison to be eaten by cannibals.
"What are you doing?" I asked them, standing up immediately. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. They replied in a language I didn't understand.
"Do you understand, English?" I asked them. I was bleeding profusely from my stomach. They replied back in their babaric language.
"I don't understand what you're saying." I said edging away from them. Their language was giving me creeps. I searched the floor for stones. There was a huge one behind the more darker Tarzan. But to reach it. I couldn't. The next moment, I was hanging between the two savages. And there carried me away into the forest.
I fainted.
© Etiih