

A story part 4/??
20 seconds later my father barged into the classroom still looking as refined as always. "Father~ That bully's father wanted to bankrupt my company. I'm so scared." I whined, going up to my own father and clinging onto him.

"Who dares to touch my daughter!" My fathers voice boomed out angrily as he say two suited man standing in front of him.

"Daddy I'm back! Thanks for buying me my favourite purses from Tobi." She screeched out joyfully brushing past my father as he nearly fell.

I quickly stabilized him and did a swift kick towards her knees as she collapsed, grunting in pain as I dislocated one of her knee.

"Touch my father again I dare you." I hissed venomously, "You bitch! You made me spill my branded Tobi's bags." I screeched once more like nail scratching against a blackboard.

"How dare you!" Her father exclaimed as he hurriedly went to his daughters side to help her up, "Thanks dadd- Ouch!" She winced as she tried to use her dislocated feet to stand on the ground.

"How's that? Like my kick?" I asked mockingly as I sneered at them, my father standing beside me just giving me a proud smile.

"Father it is them, they tried to bully me." I 'cried' out pitifully. "Hah! What can your little company do about it? I'll make sure to sue you for harming my daughter!" The father demanded.

"Oh really? I would like to see who dares to go against the Tobi's family." My father questioned with a sneer on his face.

"Heh what Tobi's family? You're probably just one of the side families and you still dare t-" The father scoffed before glanced up to see my father.

"S-sir T-tobi!?" He exclaimed out in fear as her daughter whom was tearing up asked tearfully, "Tobi's family? No way!" Mase scoffed out, her nose and eyes red from the sniffling and sobbing.

"Indeed, you tried to harm m-" My father tried looking suave in front of me but was interrupted by the door slamming open .

"Alexis! Who dares to harm my sister!" My brothers ferocious voice roared out as stormed over to me.

"I- Father?" Alex asked flabbergasted at his appearance, "Alex." My father nodded at this presence.

"We've got a small fry to deal with." My father flicked his head towards the two cowering people.

The principal just stared on in shock as he quickly apologized and tried to appease or bootlick my father.

"Oho? You'll hear this from my lawyer." My brother responded snarkily, "No. They'll hear this from my lawyer." My father interrupted.

I stared on unamused as they began fighting about whose lawyer they'll send. "Brother?" I called out cutely to stop their fight.

"Yes Lex?" He replied dotingly, "How about you let daddy settle it." I gave him a small grin as my brother froze.

"But I… Alright…" He sighed, "Now as daddy deals with this. Lets go have fun!" I cheered out as I skipped away from the scene with my arms hooked around my brothers arms.

"Daddy remember to make sure they pay for hurting a teacher as well and principal you won't fire that teacher right? He's doing a great job." I asked with an evil grin.

"Y-yes! Whatever you say young miss haha…!" The principal laughed out nervously as he stood on my side this time.

"But I wanted to hang out with you." My father exclaimed as I pretended not hear his words, "By the way, my brother and I are skipping classes." I stated to the principal before skipping away with my brother happily.

Looking up at my brother to see his blissful expression as I giggled at how cute it was being.

"Lets go to the arcade!!" I exclaimed happily as he nodded with a smile on his face.

• • •

"Brother! Lets play Mario Kart!" I cheered excitedly as I saw the two gaming set up sitting beside each other.

I immediately rushed over and occupied the seats while my brother told me to obediently wait for him near the setup.

He then went off to get the credits so that we can play, my eyes swiftly observed my surroundings to see multiple people crowding one machine.

Curious about the crowd I hopped off the set up and waltz through the crowd to the machine.

They were playing against each other in mortal combat, my eyes sparkled at the screen.

"Anyone want to play against Bard?" Someone announced as I looked to see a smug looking guy wearing some typical bad boy looking attire.

"Me! Me! I wanna play!" I cheered out raising my hand up and jumping in the crowd.

The crowd separated as they made way for me, I walked straight up to the guy with a smile. "A little girl?" Someone scoffed, "Perhaps she just wants to try." Someone else responded.

"Uhm little girl are you sure you want to play against me? I'm stronger against your average player." He asked. "It's fine, we"re just here for fun aren't we?" I giggled out in response.

Taking a seat beside him as I stared at the buttons and controls, "Shall we?" I asked gesturing towards the screen.

He stared at me puzzled but it quickly became one of excitement, "Alright than! I hope you will have fun!" He grinned at me.

Oho.. He was pretty nice. I couldn't help but ponder in my thoughts.

The guy Bard tapped his card against the machine before the game officially started, I glanced at the screen of characters shown on the screen.

"Hm… This one~" I mulled out aimlessly as I chose a male character.

One that I had always chosen when playing mortal kombat to the point where I had mastered the skills of it.

"Uhm are you sure about that girl-" Bard tried asking, "It's Alexis." I smiled at him, "Okay than Alexis, are you sure you want to pick him? He's the hardest character to play with." He asked.

"It's fine! Go on. Choose your character." I replied back politely.

I honestly thought he would be mean…

•I don't know mortal kombats so timeskip•

"Holy! How did you do those combo attacks!? The timings to do those must be very precise and accurate!" Bard exclaimed shocked.

"Hehe I don't know~ Beginners luck~" I laughed it off and slid off, waving a slight goodbye to him before I merged in with the crowd with him looking as if he wanted to say something else.

"Brotherrr~" I greeted as I saw him arriving at the set up of Mario Kart. "Where were you? I didn't see you as I walked back here." My brother asked worriedly as he went to check up on me.

"I'm perfectly fine~ Just playing free games ya'know~" I giggled out loud. "Free games?" He asked confusedly.

"Yep! Can we play together now?" I asked cheerily, "Of course!" He grinned back at me as we went to sit down at the set up.

• • •

Somehow, during our match. Perhaps we were exclaiming too loudly and other stuff but there were a small crowd surrounding us now.

My brother and I paid no heed towards the crowd and continued racing against each other in the game, some how ending up im a tie.

"HOW DID THEY BEAT US!?" I suddenly hear someone exclaim loudly, the sound coming from what seems like the wall.

"Hello three sires, may you please step out of the hidden room and let us see who we were playing against?" My brother asked. 

I heard them grumble under their breath before a click sound rang aloud, the mechanism to the hidden door opened as the three players stepped out.

"How did you know we were there?" One of them asked curiously, staring at my brother as they hadn't noticed me.

Being blocked by my brother's figure they didn't notice me, "I can hear your frustrations over here as we were in the race." My brother replied amusedly.

© Naruko