

Iowa frieghts
Iowa Freights

Chapter 1 – There was fog

I remember there was a dense fog that hovered across the corn field right before I ran into them. To get away from what I was running from. What it was, I couldn’t really decide. It was terrifying that’s all I know. It stood like a human, it killed three of my friends, I swear I don’t believe in Vampires but what ever they were they had fangs and ate through human flesh and snapped bones with ease. I should know, they ripped my friend to pieces right in front of me. Which is why I ran in the cornfield to get away.
“GET AWAY , LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” I screamed as I ran through the night in the middle of a cornfield. I stopped after ten minutes of running. I didn’t hear nothing but the night, it was cool, there were crickets chirping about, I stood their for awhile, I completely lost what direction I was in now. If your wondering why I’m by a cornfield at night. There is a cornfield right outside my back door and I was being chased.
“What the hell is going on with Iowa!? what were these things!?” I thought to myself
I stood their in the dark, cold and scared with no idea what direction to go, this cornfield was massive. I began to hear an owl hooting loud and big. It felt like somebody or something had eyes on me. I started walking after doing an about face. I chose the right way because I ended up in my back yard. I crept in my back door slowly, I wasn’t sure if any of those things were around right now. I didn’t find any so I made sure all windows and doors were locked, even the upstairs.

© WesleyMcvay