


Flow through life together with happiness. Swim through life with happiness and Fly with the wings of happiness, no matter what may happen, let happiness be by your side.

Being in a constant state Of happiness means, adjusting your emotions and mood to suit your level of happiness.
It also means, deliberately and consistently developing and maintaining an attitude of positivity towards every situation.

Being in a constant mood of happiness doesn't means you will not experience a moment of sadness and sorrow, but your immediate response and the attitude you will develop at that moment will propel you back to your level of happiness or will drop your level of happiness.

Constant happiness can be likened to an aeroplane flying, before a plane will fly, it has to overcome the law of gravity to pave it way into the sky. After the plane reaches, the level it want to fly, what's is left of the pilot is to adjust the plane to overcome every opposing medium that will try to drop the plane from remaining in a constant flight.

That's is the same of as being a constant state of happiness. Identify any medium of opposition that is trying to to reduce your happiness and deal with it. Whenever you sense a situation Trying to overcome your happiness, start to stir up your level of happiness through listening to a positive inspire messages and songs, praying to get in contact with the universal knowledge of God.

Be in a continuous flow of unending happiness and joy.

Stay blessed......