

The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...
Where I am right now? I don't know..
Who am I? I don't even remember my name.
An intense wave of pain erupted in his head.Holding his head in his both hands, he tried to remember something when he heard the phone ringing in his own pocket. He took out the phone and saw the screen saying "Eric Calling", he confusingly answered the call and said, "Yes?", the voice came from the phone as "Hey David! did you reach the point with painting?", with no clue of the situation he just replied "Yes". The speaker said, "okay good! be there, we are on our way, party and money both are with me", he exclaimed excitedly and the call disconnected.
He put the phone back into the pocket, folds the painting and put it back in the cover, sat on the chair and started to conclude, "Okay so I am David, and I am here to sell out the painting, but this place doesn't seems like a fair dealing place so did I stole the painting or am I a smuggler? Ahh! why didn't I remember anything? Oh God! what's happening? what should I do now? wait here or move away? but where would I go?
He was talking to himself like an idiot but couldn't exactly conclude anything.
Meanwhile, in this old ruined building, the sound of cars echoed and two cars came out of somewhere and stopped at a short distance away.
He stand up and came a step forward, gripped the painting tightly. A man got out of a car and started heading towards him. On approaching, he hugged him with delight and said, "Hey David! we did it, we are going to be rich man, where is the painting?"
David looked at him and tried to recognize him, "Maybe he is Eric", David thought and mumbled his name, "Eric?". "Yes David, what happened? where is the painting?", Eric asked worriedly.
"Here it is", David tried to act normal and handed over the painting to him as he had no other option.
Eric smiled and went to the car, the car's glass lowered and the painting was taken inside and a brief case was taken out which Eric grabbed delightfully. The cars then rushed.
David was watching everything standing idol.
Eric came near and opened the brief case in front of him that was full of money. He did not remember that he had ever seen so much money in his life. He took the brief case in his hands and touched the money with uncertainty then suddenly closed the brief case and his eyes too as it all will be vanished.
Suddenly, the sound of police siren began to ring, he opened his eyes with fear, Eric was also panicked and shouted "RUN".
Both of them ran in different directions, brief case was with David and he didn't know where would he escape?
A rock came under his feet, he stumbled and fell. The brief case opened and all the money flowed around.
All of a sudden, he woke up from a deadly nightmare. He was all sweaty and shivering. He then looked around, he was in a messy apartment which seems familiar to him. At the next moment he understood everything, "OH THANK GOD! it was a dream", he breathed with comfort.
He was about to fall asleep again when he saw a painting cover on his bed, he grabbed it and opened it with curiosity, there was a painting inside yellowed with rounded edges, in the mean time the phone started to rang from the side table with the screen saying "Eric Calling" ..........
- SJ Ladhani