

Not my body (continued)

Nia was feeling lifeless, she hadn't stepped outside her apartment since last week. Her body ached, Her mind behaved like that annoying boss who never shuts up. Her parents were so concerned. She couldn't lock herself inside a room. She had to step outside and get some essentials for herself.
As for the virus, time will doubtlessly provide the answer to this conundrum. Nia shouted aloud with her hands over her ears & eyes closed,
"Goddammit, to hell with it, I need a break!"
She picked up her phone & texted to her bestie, Zoe.
Nia: hi! wanna come along to pik sum food. They do have some good grub in our local shop. Lemme know asap.
Zoe: I wud luv 2 though I hate u for not replying to my texts
Nia: C u at 12
Zoe: gotcha. I still hate U
Zoe & Nia were bosom buddies since college days. Nia was lucky to have Zoe in her life, She trusted only her with her private thoughts.
Nia rushed to take a shower and quickly dressed in her icy blue denims & white tee. She looked at her reflection & smiled, She looked pretty.
Then she covered her nose, mouth with a scarf & then put a mask. Now, only her eyes were visible.
Finally she picked up her bag and mobile. She quickly stepped out of her apartment. There was pin drop silence. She took the lift downstairs and quickly moved towards the parking lot & drove out of her 'A wing' tower.
The streets gave a deserted look. She parked her grey baleno outside the park from where she had to pick Zoe. It was quarter past 12, as usual Zoe was late. She looked at a passerby, his face was completely covered. Half past 12 and there was no sign of Zoe.
Her phone buzzed, "unknown number! Now, who is this?" She said aloud in a frustrated tone. The phone kept buzzing so she took the call.
"Nia, this is Zoe's mom."
She heard a frantic voice on the other side of the line. "Oh, hello aunty!"
"We are at MGM hospital. Zoe's look has changed. It happened all of a sudden. It's the virus. We don't know what will happen. There is no sign of threat to her life. The doctors have asked us to take her home. They don't know what to do in such a case. You please go home quickly. You shouldn't be out there." The line was cut before Nia could say something.
Horrified, Nia looked in the rear view mirror & quickly drove towards the local shop. She didn't get down from the car, she just handed over her list to the shopkeeper asking him to drop her requirements at home. Nia was terrified, she drove crazily towards her house. As she took a u- turn, she lost control and her car crashed into a pole. She felt dizzy and the next moment, she lost consciousness.
" Did you find some ID on her, call her family." Someone was talking. She opened her eyes, she could see a nurse & a young man in a white coat, she recollected that she had an accident.
"Sir are you alright, what's your name? You had an accident." The doctor was speaking to her.
"My head feels heavy."
"Yes! You were in acute pain, so we had to sedate you. You slept throughout the day, sir" said the doctor.
"What time is it?" asked Nia.
"It's 7" replied the nurse.
The doctor looked at her & spoke gently"what's your name. Please give us a contact number, we will call your parents."
"Nia, is my name. My parents are in Delhi. It's okay, I can manage alone. Am I serious?"
"Sir, did you say your name is Nia?" asked the doctor lifting a dark brow quizzically.
Nia was irritated, why was he referring to her as SIR!
"Can't you see, I am a woman. My name is Nia, why the hell are you calling me sir!!"
The doctor whispered something to the nurse, they both left the room.
Nia's head was very heavy.
She wanted water. She looked at a bottle on the table next to her bed. She drank to her heart's content. The next moment, there were around 3 masked doctors and nurses. They covered her face with a shield.
One of the doctors asked.
"Please tell us who are you?"
" I am Nia, Nia, a woman and this man calls me sir!"
said Nia, in a weak voice.
"I am Senior doctor Bhaskar"
"I believe you are Nia, I did have my doubts as you sound like a woman, however, dear you are a man for now. You have been infected." He looked at the nurse, who had a face mirror in her hand. She handed it over to Nia.
Nia took the mirror with trembling hands. She looked at herself.
A man with a bandage around his forehead was staring back at her. He had a dark moustache and beard. His hair was short, dark, wavy.
Lightning struck Nia, she recalled everything, she knew what had happened. She was in a state of shock.
Dr. Bhaskar was muttering something "Nia, you are infected!" His voice echoed in her ears. She wanted to say something however she was stifled, she couldn't speak. "Aw, Er, Err, awwwwww!" She screamed loudly, the next moment she threw the mirror, she jumped and as the nurse tried to calm her down. She pushed her, kicked her bedsheet.She was screaming"why did you save me, I want to die, kill me!" hot tears were stinging her cheeks. She couldn't bear the shame. Her screams tore across the ward. Suddenly, She could feel hands on her, everyone was trying to hold her down. "Quickly, inject her." These last words melted in her mind and soon everything went dark.
"Poor Nia, it's so sad! a double hit, first a road accident & then being in someone else's body!"
Dr.Bhaskar was discussing with his medical team."As soon as she regains consciousness, let me know, I will talk to her personally. Right now, we need to contact her parents. There is no medical treatment for this
weirdness. They will have to take her home. Let's check out the other wards." He left the ward while Nia was in deep slumber.
'Life does send shock waves. Sometimes it leaves us unsure as to which pain is worse? the shock of what happens or the ache for what never will! It is asking us to evolve & connect with the strength which lies within us.

© Bindu
#Dystopia #chapter3 #writer #writercommunity #story #Life&Life