God is literally described as a Jealous god, GOD SAYS in the bible “I AM A JEALOUS GOD, YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BUT ME, I AM THE ONLY GOD.”
So god is literally described as a jealous god and DEMANDS LOYALTY and EXCLUSIVE WORSHIP in the same way an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP does, and WHAT HAPPENS IF ONE DOESN'T LOVE GOD IN THAT WAY? WRATH and PUNISHMENT,
It's the same thing as an abusive relationship you have ANGER and & PHYSICAL VIOLENCE at some point to try to CONTROL THEIR PARTNER, Well, you're going to have the same thing in the bible when people don't do what god wants, What happens, MASS EXECUTIONS, FLOODS, PLAGUES, the DESTRUCTION S of CITIES and yet, this is a method of maintain control asserting dominance keeping one in fear all the time.
This is what they call CONDITIONAL LOVE, It's love with strings attached it's not just ((oh you know it's not unconditional love,)) It goes like this WELL I'LL LOVE...