

choices we make have consequences
Do you want to hear a story? There once was a girl who had this other friend whom she healed from the past and being obsessed with boys as if her life depends on it but, little did she know that she would also find herself in the same trap. As always ladies we fall in love with handsome guys and already we see a future with them 😂 so this is what happened life was amazing, boyfriend was just a sweet darling didn't care about anyone but her. However, days gone by even years maybe months also as the relationship grew, the love and all that now boyfriend kept demanding more the girl was scared to give in to keep the boyfriend and make the boyfriend stay she went to ask for advice at her friend and her friend was like if sex is what he wants you must give him and make him happy he will stay but, the girl knew that that's not true her parents taught her well she locked herself in her room started to go through everything asking herself if she should do it but every choice she makes has consequences she chose to let the boyfriend go because she was never ready for such things. Ladies never ever fall for a mens charm and be a puppet know your worth also never listen to your friends advice if you are never ready to have sex with anyone do not go for it to try and please friends as always boys will always be boys they will gossip about you to their friends humiliating you and talking bad about you when you thought that you had a good night it's better to be a woman who stays on her ground than to be someone's fool!

See it goes without saying that friends also can be bad influence🥺 but you as your own woman must know what is wrong what is right do not let people fool you and sell sex is if it's a nice ice cream cone or some nice popcorn. Listen when you are ready you will know don't feel bad.
© amogelang serepong