

inlove with my roommate and him best friend part 5
ben:jack can I talk to u in private
jack: okay
they go upstairs*
jack:so wat did u wanna talk about
ben:uh so how do I say this
jack:come on u can tell me anything
ben:u sure?
ben:I kinda like lexi..
jack: oh
ben: u ok?
jack: yea I'm fine
in jacks mind* lexi is mine how could he like he I need a plan to get lexi to like me*
ben: earth to jack
jack:let's go back down stairs
ben: ok
they goes down stairs*
jack sees lexi dancing with someone*
he gets jealous*
jack goes to get a drink*
ben sees lexi dancing with someone*
he gets jealous*
ben goes to talk to lexi*
jack sees them talking*
ben: hey lexi
ben: I see your having fun*
lexi: yes
a girl walks up to ben and lexi*
the girl: hey you all wanna play spin teh bottle
ben: yea ima ask jack if he wanna play
he asked jack*
they play spin the bottle*
it lands on lexi and jack*
the girl: jack i dear u to kiss lexi
jack: okay
in bens mind* he's kidding I hope*

part 6 coming soon
I wonder wat is gonna happen