

Whole New World - Merging With Eternity
Whole New World - Merging With Eternity
When we were young the world was so large. Our minds worked in overdrive trying to get a grasp of the many intricacies of life, and to formulate an accurate model of the physical world we found ourselves in.

Then we get caught in a sea of contrast, swimming through endless waves of deciding strains. Expanding with each new wave subtly inserting its sway in our vibration, forming and loosing bonds within our frame.

Stretching our brains into oblivion so we can begin to understand the creators grace inherently. Teaching us deeply that focus is the master key, and focus on chi is merging with eternity.

Our minds go from thinking the world is large, to learning it is quantumly small in the grand scheme of the all. In superposition with whatever tangent our mind mentions. Imaginations entangling with source energy’s inventiveness.
© QuantumCDub