

Comforts for the Anxious
Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God.
And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4 :6-7

In this world filled with imperfections and grief, we are always prone to facing stress and trials and tribulations, sadness can overturn us, but we are not made to be sad nor be depressed over the attacks Satan throws at us.

And In order to protect us from all anxieties and attacks Satan brings to us, and the Sin that harms us, God showed us a way to go through the pain and suffering.

The verse begins by the word,
"Do not be anxious about anything"
Why should we not be anxious about anything? Whether it be social anxiety, emotional anxiety, rejection or financial anxiety.becAuse God knows we will find no peace and God knows we need peace, it is the only solution we need to go through the storm. But who is our peace? How do we get that peace?

We can only get peace by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, presenting our requests to God.
When we thank God for allowing the pain and trials to come into our life and the blessings despite of it, and present our request with the acknowledgement that He can do all things in our behalf.

Then we would able to recieve the peace of God which transcends all understanding and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

So who is our peace?

Yes, it is Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, He is the One who is sent by God that will guard our hearts and minds. He is the only One who can remove all anxieties in our lives and protecting us by making us feel peaceful and calm.

So when you feel anxious and sad, before it turns over you, remember to pray to God with thanksgiving, lay your request to God and Jesus Christ will come into your heart and will guard you and fill you with peace...