

A few days at orphanage- Storm 2 Ruthless
Jennifer was sitting on the bench at the reception of the orphanage when she heard tiny a baby crying. She saw some bunch of people at the reception area. One man was carrying a newly born baby in his hands. Jennifer noticed that the hands of that baby were bleeding.
She asked the people gathered around about the whereabouts of the baby.

"The baby was found in the dustbin by some of the sweepers today morning. The baby's hands are bit by rats." One man said with a gloomy face.

"Why aren't the orphanage people giving the baby medical treatment immediately?" Jennifer asked.
"It will be a police case. The doctor can give medical aid only after the police examine the baby first. Till that time the baby will suffer. " He said.

Jennifer collapsed on the bench in despair and disbelief. She was unable to understand whether to cry for hopelessness or ruthlessness.

Jennifer thought:

Shall I cry for that tiny soul ,
Left to die in a pit hole.

Shall I cry for the behavior so ruthless,
Leaving a child pitiless .

Shall I cry on that baby's suffering ,
His tiny cries still haunting..

Shall I cry on my inability to reduce his crying,
My soul in disbelief is now rotting
Is humanity fainting ?????