

Specialist In Conflict (Ch. 2)
Midget's POV.

My name is Midget Michaud.

Boxing is my favourite sport. I have been doing this since I was three. My father was a boxer but retired when he was permanently injured from his match. I took over and I am a badass, I fight until I see blood on someone. That's one thing about me. I have black blood in my veins, many thinks I am unattractive because I take no shit from anyone.

I don't really look for trouble, trouble looks for me. Everyone in my town knows about me, and screw those who don't because they think I could play touch with them whenever they raised their fist on me. I am water and fire, an enemy to myself.

With my haversack slung on my right shoulder, my hair tight in a ponytail, my face oily, and with my fitting clothes. No man takes a second glance at me, who gives a damn about it though? I ain't interested in getting one interesting man. I once dated but never tried to again because of what that man thought he would get from me blah blah... You don't really need to know who I am in a chapter.

I proudly walked upom the township streets with my head high and a scowl on my face. Pissed off because.... I don't know why I am angry really, that just me been moody. 

"Hey Midget!"

I looked at Jose Waynesboro, the dude about a year older than me. He wasn't quiet my friend but he became one since I showed him my fist on his face.

"Hey Jose, I am not really in the mood." I said, walking past him.

"Looking for whom to devour?"

I smirked, "you think you know me better?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder.

"No, nobody knows what goes in your mind especially when you have that look on your face."

I scowl at him, and without a word left him staring. Jerkass he knows little of me.

I think I need a fight with someone. The atmosphere of today isn't working for me. Nobody is starting a fight with me, nobody is even thinking of throwing slurs at me so I could find a reason to beat up him or her. I grunt, and threw a kick at a tree by the wayside in anger. I didn't feel any pain but I am sure the tree did. I looked at it and aimed to throw another kick when I felt eyes on me. I gazed up and a old woman with grey hair holding a mug of tea in hands gawked at me with narrowed brows. She probably thinks I am crazy, that's what most people think I am.

"That's my tree kid." She said with a scowl.

A fact here: if she wasn't old I would have exchange words with her until I find a reason fight.

"Sorry grandma." I said, walking past the tree. She continued looking at me with narrowed brows.

About me; I respect elderly people.
That's one thing my dad taught me to do because he believes that old people are the glory of the earth. Before you start to think of him a religious man_he isn't but we believe there's God in heaven. I am not religious but I once when to a Catholic church where I am recently banned from attending servies. I would say the reason I am not allow in churches its because I once beat a local priest for talking about me. I confessed my sins to him and he exposed them in front of the auditorium.

Many said, the Lord will punish me for disrespecting his chosen one and many threw curses. But the Lord is merciful right?

Finally I kicked the door to my house open, and stepped into it closing the door behind me.

"I rather want you to open the door like a normal kid instead of kicking it down."

My lips twitched into a smile when I heard my father's soothing voice.

"You're early from your training today , why is that?" He asked in curiosity, with him was an hammer and a screwdrivers.

I silently threw my haversack on one of the loves seats. "A punching bag hits on Jeffrey's daughter."

My father looked at me amusedly.

"What dad? I did nothing really." I snapped in before he blames me for anything.

"I see... So he got you out of his training rank?" He said, heading towards his favourite rocking chair, and I noticed it was broken. One leg was broken, and he was trying to fix it.

"Yes and he doesn't want to see me ever again."

My father kept silent and carried out a hammer to beat in the nails.

"Father, would you talk to him for me?"

"And tell him what?"

"And.. Tell him to forgive me. I have no other places to train, nobody wants me in their ranks."

"Mph... " he said no other word. After a moment he got up to his feet and tried his rocking chair if it is fixed.
"What did I tell you, Dget? I said you should be in good terms with everyone and that's the only way you'd get yourself a ring. You should run away from trouble."

"What does that mean father?" I folded my arms over my chest, with my eyebrows elevated.

He stopped and he looked at me. "It means I am not talking to Jeffrey."

I twitched my lips upward and chew on my tongue. Frustration heating up. I watch my father as he sat on his rocking chair, and moved it dangling to see if it is stabilized. After a moment, the chair leg curved, and broke free causing him to fall along with some parts of the chair.

"Dad!" I ran to him and grabbed his hand to help him stand. "Are you okay?"

He kicked my hand away. "I am not hurt, Dget." He said stubbornly as he sauntered to get the leg up.

"Come on dad, you're too old, you must hurt my back or buttocks which one is it?"

"I am forty years old . I ain't that old."
He threw back and I smirked.

"Dad, don't try to fix it agin. I will get you a new one."

Wilburn shook his head, "No no, I don't want you to steal."

I frown, "I wasn't thinking of stealing. I was thinking of getting it."

"You're not working, and how are you going to get the money?"

I shrugged my shoulder, "there's what they call borrowing."

"And there's what they call 'not borrowing' "

I heaved a sigh and took my bag and headed upstairs to my room.

"Don't kick doors, you won't repair any of them!"

I heard my father say behind me. I smiled and opened the door to my room. I groaned when I find it messy.

"Way to go messy room! If you had hands you will have cleaned yourself!"

© sarahmbfacts