

Day-Night Dreamer (pt.26)
As he hopped for the third time, he realised that he has arrived in a food shop. Jack was confused that how he reached there but before he started thinking further on this matter, an idea came struck his mind.
He looked around himself and he found so many food stalls there. Not only the Indian ones, he also found a variety of dishes from various countries like from Korea, Japan, Thailand, US, Russia, Saipan,Saudi Arabia etc.
He thought that, “it's a right opportunity to steal all these food.” He didn't even wait for a moment and by putting the light beam of that torch on him, he made himself tiny.
He then went to almost every stalls and ate a variety of food in huge amount.
As it was a dream, anything could happen, right?
So, Jack has became a digestion machine like even if he over eats, it won't make him feel uncomfortable.
It gets digested quickly.
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