

last memory
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...

I looked at the painting in detail.
Its a painted picture of a person i know...
But who is it?? And... where am i???
I looked at my surrounding.
it seemed like a normal flat of an artist.

There! i heared footsteps! i had no option to hide. Out of a reflex i put the painting on a table nearby.

the door opend.

it was an old wise man.
I wanted to say something, like an apology for being there. but my voice broke.

and... his eyes looked sad at the ground. hes walking towards me and through me?

He said " dear son, did you find peace?"

than suddenly i understood.

i put my arms around him and i said
"father, i am here... i found peace in the heaven called "heart". "