

Ms. what name?
I have always lived normal..some say its boring, well I dont really care.
I went up to the rooftop I saw a girl with a long beautiful hair and I realized that she's the popular girl in our school! what is she even doing here? isn't she supposed to be signing for the book club..? oh well she's prolly waiting for attention, ugh people like her disgust me..


said the girl

Ah! oh no she noticed me what should I do? run away? talk to her? or just stare at her or something?

"umm...are you ok?"

said the girl

"oh..uhhh..I'm fine"

oh no, I made contact

"uhhh...why are you here? shouldn't you be at the book club..you know.. signing the books?"

ahh I'm just trying not be awkward..

"oh haha right..that..I forgot about it..yeah"

is it just me or is she bad at lying?

"wow, your really bad at lying"

AHH why did I say that!?

"*sigh*...I'm really am bad at lying..I'm not really feeling well..I just got tired.."

ms.popular got tired? huh seems strange

"I can't believe you got tired from all the attention you get"

"huh? what do you mean?"

"I mean..your popular..you have tons of friends, everybody adores you..you have everything anyone could ask for"

I mean, what I said is true

"is that how you think my life is? I have so much friends...fake friends that leave me alone..they're only friends with me because I'm popular...everyone adores me? more people hate me because they dont like me at all...I can't even rest..people are always around me and I can't say my own opinion..because everything that I say can make a difference in this school..so do you still want my life!?"

woah..didn't really expected that..

"whatever...your making that up..you just can't find an excuse so you can rest"

I feel kinda bad saying that...I mean she has no idea what the feeling is always being alone.

"Everyone this is the news for today, a teenage girl apparently has committed suicide in the afternoon yesterday, no one knows why she did that but she had a letter near her shoes and it said all the things that made her sad apparently so it was confirmed suicide"

what was that news? its in my school too..

"Students...Mafuyu Iradashi...has died yesterday afternoon.. she had her shoes and her letter for her parents..we will remember her in our memories"

what have I done..is it because of what I sad to her that led her to that?..when you think about it I could've helped her but I was too stubborn..

to be continued..
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