

-Things I wish I could say to my younger self-
It will be long but beatable battle...
Your time with her is short...
You will find your people...
Getting no answer is also an answer and it's the most powerfull one...
Say it...
It will hurt, but you will heal...
Trust yourself...
Home isn't a place, it's a feeling...
Eventually, you will learn it...
Not everyone deserves you...
You are always beautiful, even if someone says the opposite...
Enjoy the moments, before they become memories...
Don't be ashamed of your big heart...
Your sensitivity is actually beautiful...
Don't ever lose your creativity...
You are capable...
Trust that they love you...
When you are scared to jump, you jump...
You can't force anyone to see your value...
You aren't too much...
You aren't your feelings...
They don't hate you, you are just overthinking it...
You have permission to let go...
I'm sorry...
And lastly...I love you...
© artlover