

Soulfull love
In a world that often underestimated the power of true connections forged .

on one side of the universe was o
a virtual and blind love , there was a immediate and magnetic extraordinary connection which was called a "love story ". it was between two souls separated by decades.

Eleanor, a woman of fifty, carried within her the grace of a life well-lived.

Her humility, intelligence, and care were qualities that radiated through every interaction and letters of sharing her life's journey.

Across the digital expanse, a young man named Ethan, aged only twenty, found himself captivated by Eleanor's words. her experience and choices of life mafr him feel drawn to her by virtue of deeds. he felt this was a soul he must know more about.

he had never imagined how this person would look like?
the attraction and pull he felt towards writting letters to her and while whole heartedly waiting for her replies. seemed the only original purpose of the day. making his bisiness and factory and other tasks just as tasks .

having no other means of communication other than these slow letters they exchanged which took 6 hours to deliver one way... and then starts the wait fot the reply..
those days days seemeed shorter and nights were long
this was a magnetic resonance and magical attraction he felt. he could.not stop himself from thinking waiting and feeling for her ...

Monday to Saturday they would exchange letters of sharing but Sunday's were like exile they left a void in them . each day their letters became lengthwise longer than previous letter.as their
conversations flowed effortlessly,

untill that suprice. day came when she offered to make a voice call he was driving in the hot scorching sun but nothing couid have made him.miss that change he pulled over and ...

In her mild British accent she began talking ... melting away his heart Ethan was now feeling a sensation he dint understand well ..

she added so much more curiosity to his heart ,on hearing this voice for the first time he wanted to see the face that's behind this beautiful voice their chats and letters were filled of sharing their life's journey.

and their minds danced through a shared appreciation for music, movies. religion culture etc.

the wonders of the world.Ethan's admiration for Eleanor went beyond the superficial; he saw her inner beauty, he fell in love without seeing and knowing this person

hisfacination for her originated from
the wisdom that came with half a century of experiences she had.

He marveled at her resilience and the kindness she extended to everyone she met. her soft voice and her survival fight won his humanity. Ethans behaviour was moving from being subdued to expressive.

Every night, as the moon rose high,
Ethan knelt beside his bed and offered a silent prayer for Eleanor's well-being.

He wished for her to be blessed with health and happiness, for the world to recognize the treasure that she was.

In their virtual realm, their connection grew stronger with each passing day.
he was one of her biggest admirers

They laughed together, shared dreams, and found solace in one another's company.

It was an unusual love story, one that transcended the boundaries of age, proving that the heart knows no limits when it comes to matters of love.Yet, Ethan's devotion didn't stop at words and thoughts.

He started a daily ritual, setting aside a plate of food whenever he sat down to eat.
It was his way of symbolizing the space Eleanor held in his heart, a gesture that spoke louder than words ever could.

And then there was the simple act of tying her shoelaces. Each time they ventured out into the world, whether in person or in spirit, Ethan would kneel before Eleanor, his hands gently tending to the ties that bound her shoes.
he always held her hand like a child's hand and tugged her behind his huge and broad shoulders protectively crossing the roads ... and sweetly swifying her to a side away from bussing trafficc he protected her like a flower from sun and dust.

It was a gesture of reverence, a silent promise to support her every step of the way.

Their love story was an ode to the beauty of human connection, a testament to the fact that age was but a number when it came to matters of the heart.
and love has more meanings and ways than just the age old Romantic angle .
these were two souls who loved and cared.

Through their shared laughter, whispered dreams, and silent gestures, Eleanor and Ethan proved that love knew no boundaries, and that it could bloom even in the most unexpected of places.

As their bond deepened, Ethan found himself at a crossroads. The love he felt for Eleanor had grown beyond the confines of their virtual world. It was a force that demanded

acknowledgment, an emotion that begged to be celebrated openly.One brisk autumn afternoon, Ethan mustered the courage to take the leap.

He stood in front of a mirror, rehearsing the words he longed to say. With every breath, he could feel his heart pounding, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness coursing through him.

That evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and amber, Ethan invited Eleanor for a virtual date.

They sat across their screens, their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. And then, with a deep breath, Ethan spoke from his heart."Eleanor," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "there's something I need to say.

The love I feel for you goes beyond any boundary I ever imagined. You are the most remarkable person I've ever known, and I can't imagine my life without you in it."Eleanor's eyes widened, her heart beating in tandem with his. She listened intently, her soul touched by the sincerity in his voice."Eleanor, I want the world to know about us," Ethan continued. "I want them to see the incredible person you are, the beauty you bring into my life every day. I'm not afraid to cross my own limits for this love, for you."Eleanor sat in stunned silence, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. She had never dared to hope for such a declaration, for a love so pure and courageous.Overwhelmed by emotion, she managed to find her voice. "Ethan, you are a gift I never expected to receive.

Your love has brought light into my life, and I am deeply moved by your willingness to stand with me, to own this love publicly."From that moment on, their love story took a new turn. They faced the world hand in hand, unafraid and unapologetic.

Their journey became an inspiration, a testament to the power of love that defied societal norms

.Ethan and Eleanor's story resonated with many, reminding them that love was boundless and that it could be found in the most unexpected places.

Their bravery in the face of judgment and their unwavering commitment to each other became a beacon of hope for those who dared to follow their hearts, no matter where it led them.

© Piaa Raj